vomiting for five years now

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No matter what I eat I get nausea after I eat food doesn't digest I after an o hour or so I can't handle it so I have to make myself vomit sometimes it comes up by itself most of the time I have to make my self the doctor ran every test possible I get light headed and weak after I vomit then hunger comes and I eat again but slow and small portions and same things happens it's been going on for five years now I weight 160 use to weigh 240 I'm worried u have a family and kids to take care of scared I might die soon also a newborn I don't know what to do I lost my job due to being so sick can't afford the doctors anymore does anyone know what might be going on the doctors said it's not gastroparaeis they actually said nothing looks wrong checked every organ from my kidney to liver and gall bladder all them are fine but I'm sure now after all this something is damaged I feel like I'm anorexic and look like it please help me out with opinions

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Being stressed alone can make you sick! If you constantly think about "am I going to be sick" everytime you eat then 99/100 timesyou will be ill.....if that makes sense?

    When you eat try to think of something else, I may be wrong but you have lost a lot of weight so anything is worth a try.

    I wish you all the best and if I can findanything out I will let you know! You must keep badgering your doctor (get second and third options!)


  • Posted

    Hi Danny, there's definitely something going on, I suggest going back to doc. Hope this helps.
  • Posted

    Hello Danny,

    I agree with the others, it would be best to seek another opinion. Hopefully the right Dr. will help you to get this all sorted out. I wish you all the best.

  • Posted

    Thank will be seeking another doctor may have to go to a bigger city

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