Waiting for the blood test
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Hi Everyone,
I saw my doctor just before Christmas and she diagnosed PMR in seconds! I haven't yet had the blood test she wants but, reading through the posts, I think she is right!
I can trace things back to a severe chest infection earlier in the year.
Until my doctor uttered polymyalgia, I had never heard the word. I Googled it and found you all. Can I just say thank you to everyone who posts as I have benefited so much from your personal experiences.
As a newby, I have, of course a dozen questions. Some I have found the answers to but some I have not.
I really do not want to take steroids if I can manage without them; has anyone managed with NSAIDS?
Will PMR go without medication or is it the medication which kills it off?
Has anyone tried an anti-inflammation diet?
Does the peach fuzz disappear when the PMR disappears?
Happy New Year to all.
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I am having the blood test at the local GP Practice as the nearest hospital is 14 miles away.
I would happily drive to the hospital but this wasn't suggested.
I am taking Ibuprofen every four hours which dulls things a bit but I had to ask my daughter to come put air in my tyres as I just couldn't and with the icy roads and expected snow, I wanted to be sure I was safe.
In three hours time, heavy snow is expected so getting to work tomorrow will be challenging! LOL.
I have only just seen your post, so sorry if you thought I was ignoring you.
I will see what the weather conditions are tomorrow and consider calling the Practice to see if I can go to the hospital. My other concern about doing that is having to drive so far having fasted for 12 hours, especially in ice and snow.
I am probably just being weak and feeble - which isn't really me!
I think you need to bear in mind that a lot of people on this site are people with quite severe symptons/disease. PMR does vary. Try googling 'polymyalgia mild' and you'll find a bunch of information there to help you decide. Best of luck.
Thanks to you both.
Mrs O, I was supposed to work today but security closed the building so I had a call early this morning telling me not to come in. My London meeting tomorrow has been cancelled due to the weather and lack of trains betwenn here and the capital.
I can't get out of my driveway as I have 15 inches of snow and it hasn't stopped snowing since 19.00 last night. I would have to get out there with a spade to free the garage door of snow before I could open it. Am I going to do that? Er . . . no. LOL.
Only one neighbour has managed to get out and he has a huge BMW 4 x 4 which he leaves in the drive! Lucky him. He didn't venture far though as as he was back in twenty minutes.
I did intend to call today to try to bring my blood test forward but the fates have conspired against me. Nevertheless, I do appreciate all your advice and suggestions. Were it not for the snow and subsequent problems, I would have taken your advice.
Wallis, I found your post most interesting. As I am managing to keep going, albeit with varying degrees of difficulty (plus pure determination and bloody-mindedness!) and some days when I hardly move, I may well have PMR Light or, more likely, PMR variable! Who knows? We all react differently to illness and all respond differently to pain and painkillers. I certainly don't have what my GP thinks is stiffness and pain on rising and fine the rest of the day!!! I suffer ALL day and most of the night!
I have been working from home until now so haven't yet had the opportunity to Google PMR Mild but I will go and make some tea in a few minutes and then see what I can find.
This site is a godsend and I am so glad I found you all.
I hope everyone is managing in the snow and staying safe and warm.
At last I have had the blood test - it was last Thursday and I managed to get through the ice and snow for the test but not to work that day.
Getting there for 08.00 was a test of determination as the weather was foul and so were my muscles at that hour!
How long does it take for the results to come through?
I am reading as much as I can about PMR and trying to think of what I will say if the blood tests are either inconclusive or rule out PMR.
My GP said PMR, scouring this site, I think I have PMR but things have taken so long that I am now quite anxious about everything.
How old are you?
I am 44 and I have found that my ESR has gone from 48 down to 30 just of late and although the pain is there, as long as I keep to my routine all is fine - going out late is not good and I've found is not worth it. I keep to a routine, I work full time and I don't take steriods. I feel that reading the site that the younger you are hopefully it will burn out in 2-3 years but everyone is an individual with varying levels of pain and limbs effected.
I have found that if i have a bad day and just take it easy I get so stiff with pain I am no worse off just keeping going - you must not overdo anything though - silly jobs like washing the car, I just can't do, yet I work full time, I am a mum and walk two dogs twice a day which I love doing. When I'm doing that it's fine, if I sit too long, for me anyway, it makes me worse so a little and often and if you find a job makes you bad, then just don't do it.
It has helped me a great deal in showing my husband what people say to me in reply to my postings as it shows him there are others out there, many of whom are much worse off than me and all of which need help in speaking out and telling how they make it better. It doesn't suit everyone but there will be something you can take from it but it's trial and trial again to find the balance.
My big macho husband has even swapped his big old squirrel killing 4x4 for a smart car so when I'm bad I have a small automatic to drive - I can't believe it - I'm gonna make him a tee shirt that says `Eco Warrier'. Our friends don't believe it but this forum has helped him realise it really hurts and effects loads of us. That of course along with the ability to tow it behind his motorhome might have helped !!!!! A good pain free wish to you all xx :D
www.pmr-gca-northeast.org.uk has diagnostic procedures, guidelines from the British Society of Rheumatologists issued June 2009 and loads of other stuff.
But keep coming back to this site.
I am now going to google pmr mild as I have never come across this one before. Live and Learn from this site.
Thank you all for your support.
I took your advice Mrs O and have just called the surgery. What I heard amazed me.
First of all, I am told the test results are taking ages to come back from the hospital.
Secondly, as the doctors all work part-time, the commissioning doctor has to 'release' the results before they can be viewed by their secretary. This could take days depending on their contracted work days.
Thirdly, all the secretary can do is confirm that the results have been received but cannot reveal any information - even, in cases like mine, where the diagnosis has already been given and the blood tests confirmatory only.
Grumpy Tilly
You do live in the UK, and if you do live in the UK has your area opted out of the NHS? Has your practice heard of Computers?
Its unbelievable in 2010 that this sort of thing is taking place.
I would make an appointment with the Practice Manager.
Or, wait till you see the GP and tell him you want it noted that when you ring up for a result of the blood test, with regard to ESR and CRP - it is noted on your file, that you are an adult and well able to handle the information.
Or, and I say this relunctantly - find another practice, go interview the Practice Manager, see what there set up is and move.
I get my blood test with the Practice Nurse, it goes off to the Hospital, the hospital do there thing and put the result in my file and automatically send an email to the GP. Both the Consultant and the GP can access the result. I then ring up and as my file is noted - I am given the result. If the GP, when he reads the result is not happy, the surgery rings me and tells me - GP wants to see you and we then make an appointment. Saves their time and mine.
I can only reiterate Mrs. K Mrs. G and Mrs. O's experiences, so I really do think that your practice is letting you down badly. I can have a blood test at 10am and my consultant will have most of the results (certainly CRP and ESR) by 3pm. If she's not happy with them, she'll phone me that day. I do hope you get this sorted out soon, because trust me, you're not getting the attention you deserve or have a right to. Good luck.
Lizzie Ellen
I live in one of the most prosperous parts of Surrey. I am beginning to think I live in a third world country.
I have been with the practice for 36 years. In the first 30 years, I had two doctors, one retired a young doctor took over and both were superb. Sadly, the young doctor moved on.
The practice is now staffed with part-timers and transient doctors. I have probably been there four times in the last six years and have seen a different doctor each time.
The doctor I saw who diagnosed PMR is new (and SO young!) and she seems interested. The last thing I want to do is upset someone to whom I haven't given a fair trial.
I [u:711b9bf0a5]will [/u:711b9bf0a5]take up the issue of being left in pain for such a long time and the unacceptable time taken to access the test results.
I suppose her response could be that no doctor would prescribe steroids until the blood test conformed PMR.
I will call tomorrow and each day until I hear!
I never thought I would say this but I am beginning to view steroids in a different light!