Waiting game and praying !!!

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Reading some of the journeys on here fills me with hope at least !!!!!! 

I’m on 50mg Sertraline and been taking for 3 weeks or just over.  So far I’ve had 4 days after week 2 where I felt so good now back to edgy, negative thoughts and paranoia. Was dissapointed as I thought after week 2 it was levelling out. My life is upside down I tried to deal with anxiety for 2 months before getting help and I’m starting to forget what normal feels like..... I have 2 small children and a wife which is the hardest bit. I’m praying something changes by week 6.... in the meantime I feel mentally exhausted and scared of what each day will bring! 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    It is early days. I'm on week 5 / 6 and have just gone up to 75mg. Waking up sweaty dry mouth ..had a stomach upset . These were my side effects in the first weeks which had lessened. I'm hoping they dont last as long. However my anxiety has all but gone. I still can't face going into shops or work but the anxiety seems to be lifting. Sertraline is a waiting game. Patience is needed. Don't rush the dose increases drink plenty of water and take med at same time every day.

    Good luck and keep posting


    • Posted

      Cheers Hoopz

      Sounds like you are on the right track - look forward to see how you get on as you’re a few weeks ahead of me. 

      My anxiety doesn’t sound as intrusive - I can go to the shops even though my moods low making it uncomfortable and I have to work as my job would be unbeatable if I went off. Work in fact is very hard indeed.....I have some days where I feel I’m carry round a lead weight on my shoulders, most days in fact. 

      Or also developed paranoia about my marriage - thinking things that aren’t happening ... hate it 

      Best of luck 

  • Posted


    I think my not going in shops stems from having a full blown panic attack in my local post office. It totally floored me. I had been having problems going shopping before that ..i always use a shopping trolley and a few times I've had to come out without buying anything. I put it down to exhaustion and working nights etc etc and didn't even know it was a panic attack. I thought I had a virus. Anyway I've gone up to 75mg for the last 2 days and i slept last night without a sleeping tablet for 7 hours. I woke up with bad anxiety and in a pool of sweat. I felt like death. Lay in bed for about 2 hours feeling yuck. I'm hoping these side effect go quicker this time. I am not suffering from depression but i will be at this rate !!

    Feeling a bit better now and wondering whether to take my sert a little earlier ..i take it at 8 at night.

    May the force be with us


    • Posted

      Well good luck again - keep us updated .... I’m finding Sertraline makes me sweat with the slightest of exercise .... 

      No depression here either - I actually feel a little better today but been here before ! Inbetween feeling anxious and low i feel very normal which is teasing to say the least :s 

  • Posted

    You will get there. It took me until week 9 before I felt totally in control of my mind/life again. I definitely turned a corner by week 8 though. Those 8 weeks were the hardest I’ve ever been through but what helped was staying busy and exercise. I made sure to constantly be doing something so my mind wasn’t obsessing over how I felt. I couldn’t even drive for those 8 weeks. Everything will fall into place though! I’m driving again and feeling like the old me. Sertraline does work. Unfortunately it takes time but it’s worth the wait!
    • Posted

      Hi heather 

      Wow this was good to read , thanks !

      When you say it was worst 8 weeks, was it worse before you started taking them? I feel generally better on them albeit not good but my attacks have stopped. 

    • Posted

      Wow heather50974 that is great to know. I'm 3 weeks in and I'm slowly starting to feel better I haven't had a panic attack the last few days but still do not feel like myself. I also have not driven and conserned if I will be able to. Reading your story gives me hope😊

    • Posted

      I’m glad! When I was impatiently awaiting Sertraline to kick in I would search for forums like this and try to find positive stories to give me hope. I went straight to 100mg with no gradual building up and I think that’s why it took me 8wks to feel okay again. It was like a switch flipped and I was powerful and in control of my life again. Today I drove 30 miles on my day off just to go shopping alone...something I haven’t done in over 3 months. This medicine saved me.
  • Posted

    I hear you! Unfortunately studies have shown that the full benefits of antidepressant generally may take as long as 8 to 12 weeks, depends on the person, in the meantime you have to realize that you have this disease and accept it, what I mean by that is you control it not the other way around, when things get tough concentrate and awaken your hidden will power, this is just a roadblock that you're going to pass, your family is behind you, friends, family, (LIFE). Remember we're strong when we do this, this is how I look at life and I always tell myself nothing is going to bring me down, I want to enjoy life, I guess I'm an optimistic, a half glass full type of person :-)

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