Waking up

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symptoms are bad enough but does anyone else get woke up with surges ?? its weird and scary almost like fallung with extreme anxiety then cant get back to sleep .feel like i get the flu after the surge passes. its everytime...anyone els??and if so how do u deal with it

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    This happens to me too!!! Have no idea how to handle it lol

    • Posted

      its very scary. its almost like falling with a rush of adrenilune. but it takes hours to feel somewhat normal .im mostly up all night and get a few hours in the day whete im somewhat normal to do what needs to be done then nap i dread falling asleep cyz it happens

  • Posted

    I get panic attacks in my sleep. Sometimes I'm scared to fall asleep. I know exactly wat you mean.

    • Posted

      idk if its panic attacks in my sleep but i know this surge panic feeling wakes me up like u no matter how tired i am i hate to fall asleep cuz i know how vad it is when i get woken with this..im very tired ..so most nights im up all night thrn try to spend sone time with my spice mistly our day now starts at 3 or 4 am i do my shopping at 6 am then home before the other symptoms hit. i have some time but mind u i feel like i have the flu in between. is there no end??

  • Edited

    I had those same symptoms about a year ago. I remember how scary it was. I was afraid to sleep and always exhausted. It lasted a few months and then it was gone. Thankfully, I haven't had it since. Now, I am just troubled with tons of palpitations that are also very scary. I am waiting for this to end. Hope you feel better soon!

    • Posted

      its been going on for about 4 months now. yes i get the palps but not often. just the anxiety real bad and yhese hot surges i call them. and of course the surges that wake me. yes im very tired and hate to fall asleep especially when im feeling ok cuz its back to sqyare one waking up..hopefully like u theyll go away. thank u hope u feel better as well

    • Posted

      Hi Rebecca

      I know what you mean by those palpitations.. I is very scary... I landed up with blood pressure so high I had to get medication to bring it down all because of stress when the palpitations hit... dr then changed by meds which calmed them down immediately... but these meds have brought on a whole new bunch of symptoms... just to discover my palpitations were actually due to vitb12 deficiency and the old age hormonal imbalance... since my vitb12 has been resolved my palpitations have gone and I am left with the odd flutter... all the other 65 symptoms are still popping up in between... Urgh!!!

      Hope you feel better soon


    • Posted

      I am also wondering if my palpitations are due to vitamin deficiency. I know I am anemic and I am taking iron for that. I know what you mean about the blood pressure shooting up. I get scared when I have a bunch of them. I know my blood pressure goes high. I really can't stand. much more of this. It is a nightmare. Hope you get through this quickly and feel better soon.

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