Waking up at the same time
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I've been waking up every night around 2:30am and goes back to sleep but wakes up again at 5:30am. When I wake up at 2:30 I have to pee. I have strong emotional feeling of anxiety that is beyond . My gut feels jumping and can never sleep on my right side always feels heavy and short of breath. I will eventually dose off but never fails wakes up again at 5:30 am. According to chinese meds, organs are off balance. My body and emotions are so overwhelmed even screaming doesn't help. Anyone else waking up at the same time?
2 likes, 14 replies
shannonmairs7 mary27278
I do this too!!! Add in every hot flash, and my sleep is miserable. Really hoping this settles down fast for us all!! Hang in there!!!
HopefulTrina mary27278
Hi Mary...
I'm experiencing the waking up at the same time. I get up at 4:15 and can't seem to fall back asleep. Sometimes I feel anxious. These hormones are really weird and unpredictable 😫😞
Guest HopefulTrina
But do you go to sleep like 9:00 or something or later? If you can get 7 hours thats good.
rachel54558 mary27278
Chinese medicine has no basis in science or any scientific evidence it works at all. i also wake need to pee at same time every night . its because bladder control decreases as your hormones start decreasing. its perfectly normal though annoying.
mary27278 rachel54558
Sorry i don't believe in science too much because its man made. But with me I think its my adrenals that is waking me up .. or my spirituality. I'm aware that the hormones changes the bladder but I just find it strange its the same time every night. But hey everyone has their opinions.
rachel54558 mary27278
Chinese medicine is also made man and science is about understanding how the world around us works , using logic and evidence that reproducible. do you go to bed at the same time every night and have your last drink at about the same time every night? if so you body probably processing the fluid at same rate so hence you wake up at the same time. i think humans always like to over think these things sometimes. i know I do it too sometime
mary27278 rachel54558
Chinese medicines aren't man made, they are herbs which are made from the ground. Something that God originally created. Science can never understand God's creation . I think that's whats wrong with man,(science) try to out think or out smart our creator when he can never do that. No I don't go to bed at the same time or drink water at the same time, though I wished that I could. If you read about adrenals you will find that it has a lot to do with waking up to pee at this time. The adrenals usually pushes out cortisol around 2am which causes adrenaline to heightened and trigger to pee.
rachel54558 mary27278
the bit you just explain about the is science. i personally feel do not believe in god but if he find exist i do see why he would not want us to understand what they created as surly that the best to understand him is by understanding what he created. Most medicines are purified compounds found in the body or plants.
Guest mary27278
I'm going through insomnia period , I can't even fall a sleep until actual morning! Then its only for a few hours and wide awake again, I don't even go to bed until like 2:00 AM sometimes 1:00 Am I would be so tired and hit the bed wham awake , I toss and turn and body parts start to itch like back, leg or arm and legs/hips hurt , the beds uncomfortable I force my eyes to stay shut in hoping I can possible sleep! I turn off TV and still no sound sleep, this been going on for awhile now. Can't get my mind to shut down or my body to relax! It's so very draining on your body! I cannot sleep during the day , one because I just can't sleep when I know its daylight PLUS I have an autistic son that screams and yells the entire day till like 1 :00 in the morning with playing video with online friends he's not like a normal child playing, he will scream at them , bang his keyboard and desk having me jumping out of my skin, he has one meltdown right after another etc. Plus with his autism he too has issues sleeping. I'm scared of sleeping pills and melatonin. I was thinking MAYBE start drinking a 4 ounce glass of wine not sure. IS anyone else on this list having days in a row insomnia? My mother passed away Monday Dec 2 @ 7:15 pm so this week has been horrible anyways BUT this sleeping issue started before I got the news this week. Prayers appreciate for this sleeping issue and just my family in general too much to get into. Thanks
mary27278 Guest
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I can only imagine what you're going through. Yes Ive had days in a row of insomnia with no sleep. I've gone 3 days one time with no sleep. Your loss may add to it, maybe if you just try to as much fresh air like taking a walk daily may help a bit. Also drink some type of tea like chamomile to help relax you. But I totally understand what you're going through, I lost my sister in 2017 the first year of peri and it was very difficult. But I will keep you in my prayers, make sure me and my kids tonight during prayer time will pray for your sleep issue and for your family.
Sound like your adrenals are in over drive. I re read your post and same way i feel tired but wired up. Try taking something to support your adrenals. ( Holy Basil, L-Theanine ( my dr gave me these before)
Guest mary27278
Thanks Mary for Sharing I'll have to research the Holy Basil, L-Theanine. Never taken the Holy Basil before.
NothinforNothin mary27278
Hi Mary, I went through this stage in Peri during the initial stages. Eventually in time. You will get back to a normal schedule. I kept waking at 2:30 then 4:30. I started going to sleep at the same time 10 pm every night and eventually it worked itself out. Now I sleep till 6:30 -7:00 am. It took a couple months though. Normal during menopause though. Hang in there! xo
mary27278 NothinforNothin
Thanks Emma.
jane66356 mary27278
I started taking melatonin and it seems to help me sleep through the night. No more wakings and racing heart. At least it has cut down on it.