Waking up to intense abdominal pain and feeling lightheaded

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Hey everyone,

I ate some food then went to sleep around 1/2pm. I woke up around 4pm lying on my stomach from this intense pain in my stomach, like deep in my upper abdomen. It was like above my stomach but under my chest.

I thought it was due to how I was lying so I turned to lie on my back but it was still the same. I got scared because I didn't know what was happening so I sat up and tried to breathe. I could barely inhale as my stomach was hurting so much. I got up to go to the bathroom and sat on the toilet as I thought I just needed the loo.

Sat down and my stomach was REALLY hurting me, I was sweating and feeling lightheaded, I legit thought I was dying. So I passed a bit of stool and sat back down on my bed. After about 10/15 mins I felt about 90% better so I went back to bed. 5 mins later it starts hurting again the same intensity. So I sat back on the toilet and tried to force myself to pass a stool as i then thought that it could be I haven't done it frequently and it was getting stuck in the intestines.

Then I thought I had food poisoning even though I've had it before but I didn't have diarrhoea or the "eggy" breath like I usually do.

So I forced myself to vomit to try and get it out of me as quickly as possible. After vomiting once and the pain didn't go away, I sat on the toilet again. Then I felt my mouth water and I knew I was going to vomit again so I did. Overall I vomited 3 or 4 times and passed stool 3 or 4 times aswell. I sat on my bed and the pain slowly went away.

I fell asleep out of exhaustion and woke up the next day.

I'm scared to eat incase it happens again even though I have an appetite.

What do y'all think it could be?

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I forgot to mention, the pain was like a ring around my upper abdomen around to my back, so my back also was in pain too
    • Posted

      Hi Nikki1005

      It depends on what you eat!...we have to be kind to our digestive system and not put food inside it that will irritate the gut and cause pain and nausea...what did you eat or drink during the day and before bed....it may be certain foods causing the pain...think back and don't eat that food again or at least don't eat food that will irritate your gut before bed....OR it may be that you were constipated and your digestive system/bowel was having a hard time evacuating...if you suffer from constipation take plenty of water....best wishes....

  • Posted

    Maybe you have a bug or food poisoning.  Start with light, bland food like dry toast and take small sips of water.  Was your stool diarrhoea? If it was, avoid fruit for a few days.  Slowly build up to normsl eating if you tolerate bland food.  If no better after a week, see your doctor.
  • Posted

    Thank you @lilian05079 and @pippa58442 for replying.

    What I ate was nothing out of the ordinary that I haven't eaten before, that's why I was so surprised when I woke up with the pain as I didn't know what it could be, so I'm sure it wasn't the type of food that caused it.

    Yeah I think it was either food poisoning or not passing stool as frequently and being backed up. However today I didn't feel 100% as when I breathe in I feel the pain the same place I felt it yesterday and I just don't feel fully back to normal.

    I'll keep monitoring how I feel and see if I maybe need to get checked up at the doctors.

    • Posted

      Vomiting can also strain your stomach muscles and cause pain.

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