Walking my way through perimenopause

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Afternoon all

The title says it all really. I've always enjoyed walking and have for years done a one hour walk with a friend each week, setting the world to rights and helping each other deal with the ups and downs of life with 3 kids each and husbands who work very long hours. I still do this but I've also taken to going out every day for a 30 minute walk, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more. I am finding it so good for the soul, being out in the fresh air.

Sometimes it's hard to fit it into a busy day but after 5 hours at my desk at work it is a great way to get my hips moving.

Try it and let me know if it helps you too. Having a bit of a hot flush now I'm back from today's walk but that will passs.

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Lucky you - I'd love to be able to try it. Sadly, I struggle to even walk to the loo I'm in so much pain with my knees & legs at the moment. I'd love to be able to just move comfortably around the house, let alone a 30 minute walk. I'm hoping my appointment with the doctor on Monday will help me get back on my feet. 
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    Lucky you I've become agrophobic in the menopause so can't leave the house
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      I'd love to be free to walk everyday but the menopause is blighting my life with dizziness and balance problems which has now brought on extreme anxiety

      I love being outdoors and I find these endless round of symptoms very depressing. On a more positive note I have a wonderful husband and 3 sons so I have a lot to be grateful for

      All the woman despairing who feel helpless, hopeless, anxious try and think of things in your life to be grateful for and look forward to better times ahead

      Luv and hugs to you all

      Brenda xx

    • Posted

      I understand what you're going through Cazjaz,I m struggling with acrophobia since menopause.I m so jealous middlemuddle, I m working my way up to walking more xx
  • Posted

    Hi there. Great advise I must admit for me excercise play a large part for me. I cycle as much as I can weather permitting. Thank you.
  • Posted

    Yep..I used to walk a lot even completing 2 moonwalk marathon walks but sadly knees & ankles dodgy now....I cycle up to 60 miles a week....I wake very early so normally 10-15 miles at 530am but I love it....even after a night of anxiety,shakes & sweats it just makes me feel free....bit like when u were a child ....I would recommend to anyone....x
  • Posted

    I just walked 2and1/2 miles this morning.  That is an acomplishment for me but it did feel good.  I am going to start walking like that every morning that I have nice weather.  Since I have beautiful senery with the mountains all around it reallydoes feel good to get out for the fresh air. Not sure if it helps with the hot flashes but worth it.
  • Posted

    It's good to hear others can enjoy exerise too. For anybody who cannot leave the house I would recommend yin yoga. Brilliant for stilling the mind and improving strength and flexibility. You can teach yourself and it is about just going to your own limits.

    With regards to joint pain there is a lot of research out their on using diet to improve pain. A close friend suffers with fibro but if she sticks to a paleo diet her joints are so much better she can easily do 10k steps per day.

  • Posted

    For all those ladies with aching joints, dies magnesium not help? High dosage?

    I, too, love to walk...my fav activity...husband usually works from home, so most lunchtimes we go for walks in Kent countryside...from a mile to 4, depends...in wellies or pumps...with or without umbrella!!!

    If alone, make sure I have at least one good walk a day, even to do chores...plus try to stretch out with 15 mins of home yoga (popsugar-YouTube)

    Makes all the difference if you can... Jx

  • Posted

    you are so right walking is great i walk as much as possible it's getting cold so i will be walking the mall now it's fun with the older crowd they are so much fun to hang out with my knees give me heck at time but i keep it moving that is the key you can't sit around it will get worse even if you have to sit in a chair and do leg lifts and bounces that helps as well good luck to you all thining about trying yoga here soon 

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