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This is a message to meno..leave me alone now,been going through this for 8 years and that is included when my periods got so heavy and I loss so much blood and my hemoglobin was 9 and had to be given injections to make me feel better, this can be mentally draining on anyone going through this,although people say be positive it will pass you be fine again I just can't see an end to this madness,not getting my full sleep is not helping, the dry mouth is driving me mad because I have to have something constant in it because it's so dry and taste nasty, I can't seem to enjoy myself with anything because at the back of mind the monster is there, I have one friend come around to see me so I would not be isolated and when she first come and I get excited I feel weird in the head,or can't sit still..it did went on to getting better but still on edge around people,I came on here earlier this year feeling better then last year and I thought I would tell the girls how I'm feeling now but come later this year I'm seem to be slipping back into this mess again..my periods ends shortly, and I'm thinking what would Post be like with no periods because it seems like peri and Post is the same do you feel better that's what I'm questioning,I know when I first started how I felt some of it I remember and some of it I don't and I know some of those symptoms gone for sure..I think out of all of this I need to have back my sleep so I can go back looking forward to my bed that I love at night,as I write this post I'm praying to God all the time for us all that it will all come to end very soon.
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dawn70425 maria76995
Bless you Maria... but think we all understand how you are feeling with this so called crap the menopause, as we are all there too...
I want my nites back too, infact id like to see the person in the mirror what use to be there b4 this crap started, but I’m convinced that I won’t ever be the same person again now, as the years pass by and I become older, how Can I really be the old me any more, is this what I need to except 😌
I so feel for you chic, as what you write is what I feel to, so never think your aloan, keep talking we are still here and listener to you, big hug 🤗 xx
maria76995 dawn70425
Hi dawn, getting old probaly I can take..these symptoms sometimes I can't take heart racing at every little thing,although my sister and friend tells me it will stop I guess the doubts stops me from believing it.everytime I laid down in my sofa to drop off I wake feeling horrible,anyway thanks for listening
dawn70425 maria76995
Your more then welcome chic.. wish I had a miracle for both of us, and all the other lady’s out there.. but I don’t.. I can’t take HRT so my doc just seems to say go away as nothing he can do, so here I am, waiting and hoping like you, that one day it will all stop, I’m sure it will.... just wish it was now, as enough is enough, it’s not like having a bad cold, which you know will be over within the month, this is years of every thing that can be thrown at us, and we are suppose to smile through it...
I don’t have a sister or mum, to talk to, and I live aloan, so yeah it’s tuff at times, but some how we just keep plodding on, that’s because we are woman, and have no choice, the world would come to a stand still if men went through what we do, they go to bed with a cold and want looking after...., us (ME ) we stronger then we think we are, if I could give you a hug right now I would..
Keep good chic.. and keep talking big hug 🤗xx
maria76995 dawn70425
Hi dawn,I did try HRT for 3 weeks but to scared to stay on that drug I don't want no regrets down the line after coming in off..so I'm staying away, my mum died nearly 4 years ago..but she was sick she couldn't be bothered to talk about it and didn't want too either I guess been through it very long time ago and don't remember..my sister went through it but never mention to much about it but when she use to come to my home hot and bothered I didn't know it was that till I start going through it myself,I live alone too but it seems I like to shut myself away because of it,people say it's not good so I force myself to mix with my next door neighbour and my friend..talk to others on the phone to keep me going,and yes men are lucky we poor women have everything to put up with because it's our name WOMEN.
dawn70425 maria76995
Hi Maria .. how did last nite go for you? Think I keeped waking up every hour, as was always looking at the time, I tried ‘ ntyol’ herbel tablets, suppose to take 2 a nite, but that didn’t work at all, so tried 4 lol, still tuk me 2/3 to fall asleep, and still wake up, so don’t think they strong enough to work for me...
My mum died 21 years ago, at 54, long illness and she never spoke of the menopause, infact she keeped every thing to her self, where I tell my daughters every thing that is wrong, as nothing more worse when a doc says, did your parents have health prob,, mmmm I don’t know any thing of my mums prob other what she died of...
Never new any thing about this, and how long it goes on for 😏and how bad this crap is like, don’t think you do until you are actually going through the menopaurs...
Hope you are not feeling as bad, all we can do is take each day as it comes, enjoy your weekend big hug 🤗x
maria76995 dawn70425
Hi dawn,I got a couple of hours sleep because of those tabs , I try to go to bed now the winter a set time and relax first pray to God then drift off..I'm trying my hardest to not over think with it, the dry mouth is very bad and I'm like Goat chewing most days it's awful, today I just got up and got on cook and watch tv went on the internet anything to take my mind off it..as soon as I arise heart palps begin I hate them I think they set of everything in my body I told the Dr I can't wait for them to stop, if you want talk I'm here you have a nice weekend Hugs xx
dawn70425 maria76995
Yes me to Maria think when your on your own that’s what you seem to do, is go to bed and hope you will sleep...
well it’s sat evening, 2yrs ago I would of been getting ready for a nite out with the girls, always out every sat, so much fun, and my mates are out again to nite, and I wish it was me, but since this crap started, I can’t put makeup on with out it just sliding of my face, even b4 I get if the settee, bloody hot sweats.. and for some stupid reason I just all of a sudden feel old, when I see my self in the mirror it’s some one I don’t like any more lol..
Just want to be at home now days, can’t be botherd to do any thing, I’m 53 feeling 83 at the mo, why could not the menopause wait till I was in my 70 and just let me live a bit more😏
One day maybe will feel normal 🤞big hug 🤗xx