Want this to stop already
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Been feeling hot and sweating around my neck for the past 5 nights this morning same but accompanied by nausea and dirreah and started this morning. Anyone else do this? Why is this so hard
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jacqueline59683 pamela2016
Good morning Pamela,
Yes 2 months ago I woke up nauseous after almost 5 years of non symptom, I'm 55 and still menstruating. That sent me into a worry anxious state that I think has turned into a low depression. I went to my gyno and she said it was hormones just like morning sickness.
The nausea has gotten better, after about 5 mornings. The first time I couldn't eat anything until a few hours later and with little appetite. At first I tried sucking on ice, bought ginger chews. Don't be scared it's common and the anxiety is what made mine worse.
Hope you feel better and youre not alone.
michelle92591 pamela2016
Thanks ladies it's always something and it's getting the best of me I don't know how much more I can take life is too much sometimes especially this stage of life
Clare1971 pamela2016
I am with you on that Pamela, most days a cry and feel pathetic and I’m half the person I use to be as in my inner self and no confidence, I can’t arrange a day or night out as I don’t know from one day to the next how I will feel. I have started taking vitamins and changing my diet , it has helped a little , when I get the nausea feeling I have fresh orange and a small pinch of sea salt to level my minerals out ..
Keep going 💕
pamela2016 Clare1971
Thanks Clare I'll try that it's so hard to get through all this
CarolKelso pamela2016
Hi Pamela. Ah I know how you feel.. It's never to be expected how much this change hits you and how awful it can make you feel... I felt the joy was gone out of my life and at times I still get periods of when it goes... Like you I've had so many symptoms including awful ibs.. I was a girl who never has any health issues and it's been one of the most difficult times in my life with all the symptoms.. But it does get easier... Hang tight... As the other ladies before me said, you are not alone and keep checking in here for support..... And reach out. CK??
pamela2016 CarolKelso
Thanks CK I'm trying so hard my family doesn't understand they always saying there is always something wrong with you but Dr says otherwise, I've noticed for awhile my bp goes up and down with these hormones it scares me meds always adjusted.ive had a full heart workup alittle over a year ago everything was normal and fine. But my regular Dr still won't help me she says it's all anxiety and I've had anxiety my whole life and I know that these symptoms is causing the anxiety not the other way around. I've been through every symptom on the list and then some I pray everyday for God to help me through cause he the only one besides all you ladies that truly knows what I'm going through. I've had my thyroid check more times then I can count colonoscopy,female annual, every mineral in my body checked and vitamins. I just don't know where to turn for peace as nobody takes me seriously.
CarolKelso pamela2016
Hi Pamela... I've too got the GP blank stares as I don't think many know what to do... I can feel the same... I found exercise has helped me alot to deal with anxiety even when I've no motivation to do it..ive prayed countless nights too as without god I'd don't know where I'd be..go easy on yourself.... This time will pass.. Hang tight. CK😘
Clare1971 pamela2016
Hi Pamela I went through a bad few months anxiety I was house bound for 6 weeks wouldn’t go out wouldn’t drive it was awful. I have three kids still at home and I felt I had to hide a lot from them , they wouldn’t understand . If it’s not my heart it’s my fuzzy detached head if not that it’s my aches and pains then the runs oh the list goes on this forum is a saviour 💕