Wanted to share my positive experience with 7 weeks on setraline

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I wanted to come on and share my positive experience with sertraline. When my doctor first prescribed it to me for anxiety/extreme panic/depression, it literally sat on my dresser for six months because I was so scared to take it. I used to come on these forums and review sites and read about how horrible the drug is, how the side effects aren't worth it, how it makes the anxiety worst in the beginning, how people would need to take a week off work before they started...Needless to say, I was horrified! I said no thanks, and on top of my dresser it stayed. Meanwhile, I was suffering inside everyday, and not living a great quality of life... I work full time, I'm a mom, a wife...so having to live with this illness and also try to act normal for your loved ones is not easy. My husband was aware of my mental state, and was as supportive as he could be. But unless you have been through it, it's hard to understand. I used to be the same way...So for the last few years I would get mild panic attacks once in a great blue moon. Then last May of 2018, it's like the panic and anxiety just didn't go away. I spent a week straight in a brain fog that I couldn't get out of. It was the scariest time of my life maybe. I called out work, and I didn't know what to do. I would wake up every morning with a huge pit and fear in my stomach. Eventually the brain fog went away, but I still struggled with with anxiety/panic every single day. I was in a dark place in 2018. I wasn't so much depressed, but the 2 kind of go together, because I definitely wasn't happy. Everyday I panicked internally that something was wrong with me, I'm dying. Any little thing wrong with me would send me spiraling down. I always thought I was gonna have a heart attack. Just so awful. I would get physical effects of the panic/anxiety....sweats, chills, felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin...Anyway, New Years Day of 2019, i had a panic attack and I spiraled down really bad. It felt like a repeat of last May. So I said enough is enough, I'm starting the setraline. I cant live like this anymore. I started on 25 mgs for a month. The first week I would get tired after taking it, and felt a tiny bit drowsy in the mornings, (I would take it at night before bed.) That was the only side effect I got. As far as feeling better, I wasn't quite there yet. I thought i was better at first, but I think it was in my head because i knew i had started the medication. So I went up to 50 mgs after that first month, and the side effects were about the same. Tired after taking it, and drowsy the next morning. But that was it! Hardly any side effects at all. And after like 4 days nothing! Been on 50 mgs for almost 3 weeks now, and I feel better and better everyday. Amazing actually. Its already such a huge contrast to what I was feeling. So its definitely working. I can look back and now realize how sick I was. So to those of you scared to try it, don't be. Not everyone has those horrible reactions. Good luck and know you are not alone. 😃

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    thanks for sharing i truly needed that today , i am not new to sertraline i took it for 2 yrs on 100 i felt great and back to my old self . i stopped and weaned myself off without my doc advice i didnt feel any side effects and i was feeling great but after stopping for 2 months the anxiety hits again and back to it slowly till i reached 150 now 2 weeks on 150 , i feel better in comparing to before but still not my old self .

    i am a wife and a mother i have all the responsiblities you know of course .

    i always feel morning anxiety butterflies in my stomach and heart racing .

    still struggling and waiting for the full kick in .

    i see my psychitric after 2 more weeks and i pray that i will be better than now . good luck for all of us .

    • Posted

      Glad to hear you are slowly starting to feel better again. I've heard of this problem from a lot of people. The medication makes you feel normal, so you feel like you don't need it anymore. I could totally see how that could happen. ..So don't beat yourself up about it. Nobody really wants to be on medication long term, so you can't fault yourself for trying to get off of it. But now that you definitely know how you feel without the setraline, you should absolutely keep going with it. And stay on it. It doesnt make you a weak person. Just the opposite in fact.

      We have to live our life to highest quality. We dont deserve anything less. Good luck and stay strong. You'll feel great again soon. ♥️

  • Posted

    So glad to hear this. Positive experiences help everyone. I've posted on these forums before as the mom of a daughter who went through a major depressive episode. The Sert took longer for her (didn't really see any improvement until about 6 weeks) and she had setbacks along the way but she is now 100% herself again and we are so happy and thrilled. (She is currently up to 150 where I believe she will stay). She wants to go off it because she doesn't like the dry mouth (she was lucky, I think that's the only side effect she's had) and because it worked so slowly I think she's not fully aware that it was actually the Sert that helped her, but I know that was it. I watched her go through this and truly believe she would not have recovered without it, and her therapist. I am hoping she will listen to her therapist and psychiatrist and stay on the Sert for at least a year and than very slowly taper off with doctor's monitoring. I believe it saved our daughter and I am grateful that these anti-depressants are out there for those who need them. I think you'll see even more improvement as the weeks go by - I think it was fully 13-14 weeks before our daughter was 100 percent (she did not have anxiety, just depression). Best of luck and blessings to your continued health.

  • Posted

    So glad to hear your daughter is doing good. That's great news. I dont have dry mouth, but I did a few times. I just chewed gum...I hope that part goes away for her. And yes, I cant wait to feel better and better everyday 😃

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