warfarin and antibiotics
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Hi all. I had pneumonia earlier this year and was in hospital 1 week. Got loads of intravenous antibiotics and was fixed. However since then I'm on warfarin for af and mr. My chest infection has returned but not pneumonia. I was given amoxycilin for 1week but my INR went to 5.0 Still got infection 6 weeks later now doc has given me doxycycline. It causes bleeding if taking warfarin even more than amoxycilin!! Does anyone know of an antibiotic least likely to interact with warfarin? I'm too scared to take the new one. I get nose bleeds anyway without extra worry.
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moira23432 GarryF
Don't think there is, ask your doctor if u can stop taking the warfarin whilst you are on antibiotics, INR of 5 too high. See if u can take aspirin instead. I have just had a INR test and was told if I was ever given antibiotics to let the know right away so they can adjust the dosage. Hope this helps.
hhanover GarryF
Man, Garry, I'm sorry about all that. My deal with Warfarin is this: I got the doc to permit home testing so I can keep closer track of its fluctuations (weekly) and fix it when it gets out of range. Broccoli (ugh) brings the INR down and avoiding all dark green veggies brings it up all while maintaining a level dose of the Warfarin. Somehow you have to kill the bugs and the doctor is the best one for that. Keeping the INR in range is also important and you can take an active role in that.
Okapis GarryF
linda51222 GarryF
Hi Garry,
I also have to have antibiotics quite often, I have taken Doxcycline with warfarin without it affecting my INR to much but you must get it chcked more often even if the date on the INR form is for a later date. the other one that the warfarin seems to tolerate is Cefradine I have just finished a course for nasal infection, they usually reduce the warfarin while you are taking them and sometimes even tell you to miss alternate days.
The alternatives to warfarin like Dabigatran also do not interact well with antibiotics, don't be afarid to take what the doctor has given you, you need to get rid of the infection as it will affect your AF just make sure to get your INR checked.
Hope you soon feel better.