Was it a hot flash?
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Yesterday, I was waiting to start work. I was walking at my regular pace and got to the service desk. As I was walking, I felt my heartbeat start to increase and then I felt somewhat light headed and a little sweaty. I put my head down on the counter, closed my eyes and started taking deep breaths. After about 2-3 minutes, I started feeling better, normal, but just didn't feel like I wanted to take any chances with work. I am a cashier at a K-mart. I went into the break room for a little bit. Then one of my co-workers suggested that I should go and take my blood pressure at the pharmacy. I t was one of those machines. It was high. Is this normal? Was it a hot flash? Any and all suggestions are greatly appreicated! I plan to go to a dr. within the next day. Thanks.
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susan21149 rozanne321
Let me tell you my experince with the progesterone pill I was taking 50mgs took only for two days the first night I took it the next day i was feeling weak, not myself, anxious, feeling like I was going to fall, not all there in my head, then on Wednesday night early Thursday morning after taking my second one woke up heart rate racing, feeling weak in the legs then I took my thyroid after 4 that morning while I was in bed strated to become dizzy.
Let me tell you more I experience from a lot of anxieties and yes my heart rate does go up and so does my blood pressure. I grew up having anxieties from being mentally abused and physically by my mother, not having my dad around, and my peers making fun of me this is why I grew up having a lot of anxieties. Yes It does cause a lot more problems in menopause and it is scary having these anxieties.
Your hot flash could have caused you to become anxious to where your blood pressure went up and your heart rate was racing or you could have just been having anxietes or a panic attack due to you menopause.
If you do take progesterone pills to help your hormones then call this number and they will tell you right out that progesterone can do this too
Hope you are feeling better just take it easy
rozanne321 susan21149
I am not on any meds or anything like that. I was on amlodipine a few months ago, but I have not taken any of that since the end of February of this year and have felt so much better being off it. But that's a different topic.
Even my 19 year old daughter, who I called right after I told my boss that I wasn't able to go to work, said that it might be a hot flash. I am feeling better now, today even after calling my work up and letting them know that I wasn't coming in because I want to take it easy. I don't feel any residual effects today. And the fact that it's a bit warm and humid doesn't help either. I am going to keep a diary of when this stuff happens. I will also go to the local medical facility on Monday, in the local market, to check this out. I don't have a car of my own and it'll cost some $$ to get to and from there. Not to mention the cost of going to see the doctor. If you have any other thoughts or ideas, feel free to let me know. Rozanne
susan21149 rozanne321
Have you ever thought of another blood pressure medication to go on beside amlodipine to help keep your blood pressure under control while in menopause. I take losartan potassium for my blood pressure.
I would talk to your doctor and have him prescribe you another blood pressure medication. I am in menopause and eeven though I am on a blood pressure medication my blood pressure goes up and down at times.
Menopause does have effect on the blood pressure read up on menopause symptoms and you will see. Since you were just on amlodipine for your blood pressure I would talk to your doctor about going back on a blood pressure pill just because you feel fine right now with out it doesn't mean that you shouldn't be on a blood pressure pill.
Read up on the symptoms of menopause symptoms and you will see it can raise the blood pressure.
rozanne321 susan21149
The thing about this is that I am not sure if I am in menopause or whatever part of menopause it may be. I am still having regular cycles, the flow is normal and lasts for the regular lengths of time. No cramping or anything like that.
When I do speak with my docotr, she asks me those questions on what the regular symptoms of any state of menopause that I am experiencing. To which I say what I mentioned above in regards to my cycles. No other normal or regular classic symptoms on menopause.
I have been keeping a diary of what I have been eating and also keeping track on how much sodium I have per day. I try not to go near 1,100 mgs per day.
I will go back and see if hbp can be caused by menopause or hot flashes etc.
susan21149 rozanne321
Its really hard to handle your blood pressure when you are anxious, stressed out and if you are in menopause like I am. Thats why HRTs won't agree with me.
What I need to do is have my doctors nurse get me an emergency appointment with a thyroid doctor that I'm going to switch to, to have my thyroid rechecked my adrenal glands checked and my progesterone level and my estrogen level checked to see what is going on. I need every hormone checked out to see what is going on and why I feel the way I do.
Please talk about a blood pressure pill with your doctor make sure it did not go up again
kristi63 rozanne321
susan21149 kristi63
kristi63 rozanne321
susan21149 kristi63
I take 1mg of ativan in the morning and at bedtime but I also need a 1/2 to help keep my anxieties really down. Its like the movie high anxieties I think we need to watch that
kristi63 susan21149
susan21149 kristi63
How can i ever leave the appartment while I am having these palpitations i just can't right now
I wish i were a kid again