Was wondering am I crazy?

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Ok obviously i have some funky hormone crap going on judging by the past 4 years of horribly irregular periods, headaches, hot flashes, anxiety, insomnia....well lets just say the 66 symptoms of peri in general. But the biggest crippling problem im having is im nauseous every single damn day!!! Some days way worse than others, but i cant remember a day when there was absolutely no nausea in the past 2 years....how can that be normal peri!? I mean i rarely get any relief at all from it, anyone else like this? And my tests for thyroid & such come back normal but my progesterone & estrogen came back low, my fsh is a little elevated but my LH is fine. I just dont know what to do anymore...if you cant eat you will die! If i force food and the nausea hits hard i will vomit, but my gallbladder and stomach came back fine...i also had the damn celiac test its fine....wth!!! Sorry im just very emotional after having yet another super sick day....no period in sight yet although ive been pmsing for a week.

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9 Replies

  • Edited

    Yes, this is all normal, I'm afraid. I am now in late stage perimenopause (Day 52 with no period in sight). I feel like I have the flu: sweaty, then clammy, sick to my stomach, no appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, dizziness, disorientation. Certain smells can send me to the verge of vomiting, and I can smell things from miles away. I am totally serious, and this totally sucks! People around me can see that I have lost weight, and I feel so weak. It's all part of the process, so I am working on accepting it, and I am counting each day that I go without a period, as that is a tangible sign that I am getting closer to the end of all of this!!

    Sending hugs and understanding your way 😃

    • Posted

      I just get so scared thinking how can this be normal!? I thought i was about ready to reach menopause finally too this year, i hadnt had a period since February and then July 31st i had another period! That was 181 days with no period i was praying this was coming to an end but that whole time i still had pms and felt very sick, now i have to start my countdown over but i keep feeling as tho i will start any time. This is torture...absolutely! Im so exhausted and weak too from lack of food...i cant take it anymore 😦

    • Edited

      That must have been devastating for you, Brandy, to get your period after such a long time! I completely agree: this is human torture. The symptoms can be so bad that they seem to defy any kind of logic. I, too, feel like I can't take one more day of this, but then a get a good period (minutes, hours, days), and I am reminded that I always return to my self, and, one day, this will all be in the rear view mirror, and I will emerge stronger than ever!

      You have the strength to do this; just keep reminding yourself that this will end 😃

  • Posted

    Im sorry you are having such a hard time, and I understand why you feel so emotional. I do to have anxiety, insomnia sometimes, leg/feet burning sensation, but not nausea. There are days that I feel sick and days that i just want to cry. I feel comfort knowing that other ladies are in the same situation., and that Im not alone and that I not crazy. Take one day a at time!

  • Posted

    I understand. I have had nausea and digestive issues for over a year. It's finally starting to improve! But I felt the way you do. Think it's normal, sadly.

    • Posted

      hi cindy, oh gosh your lucky its only been a year for you! its been 8 years total for me the nausea used ti be only during menstrual cycles then over the years it began happening before during & after them, now the past 2 years im nauseous every day! its just scary cause i feel like im dying a slow death with this garbage.

    • Posted

      Oh, it's been at least five years of nausea, etc., but I would have breaks from it for a few weeks, sometimes a few months. The past year has been every single day. It's rough!

    • Posted

      oh i see so you are suffering like me too 😦 im sorry to hear it. i wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy!

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