Water infection?

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This morning at 1.40am I woke up with excruciating, colicky pain in my groin and it hurt to shift position in bed, sit up, stand or walk. The pain had me doubled over and I stayed up yet continued to have these waves of intense colicky pain in my groin. This carried on until 4.20am and the pain reduced when I went for a wee, even more so when I put a hot water bottle on me. I collected samples from both the early morning wee and the later morning wee and I'm now waiting for anything to come back. This isn't the first time I've had pain like this but I'm now worried it's something bad, especially since I've introduced more water into my diet, have had repeated urinary tract infections, protein in my urine and white bits in my urine this time around. Can someone advise? I'm a 29yr old female.


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like you could benefit from a referral to a urologist and maybe your GP could refer you for a scan. You could have a stone or stones in your ureter.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply.

      I had an ultrasound scan of my kidneys and bladder back in August. At the time the scan was normal but when I peeked at the report it mentioned my bladder lining was thinner than expected and there was 4 cubic cm of urine left at post-void. Does that sound normal?

  • Posted

    Hello Starla. There should be 100 millilitres of urine left in your bladder for it to be normal. No more. I would ask for a referral to a urologist. I'm not sure what it means exactly about the lining being thin but I suppose it could mean you are more prone to infection because you haven't got a very protective layer.
    • Posted

      Hi there, thanks for your reply.

      I saw my current urologist a few weeks ago. He put me on something called Vesicare but I'm not sure why this is because this is usually prescribed for people who have overactive bladder. For me my bladder is not overactive, in fact I sense no urge to go for a wee until it's too late and I can end up leaking. Is it worth going back to this urologist? I am not due to see him again until May next year but surely since I could have kidney stones an earlier appointment is in order?

      I submitted a urine sample to my GP practice today and they have sent it away to the hospital lab for analysis. There were white bits floating around in it but I don't know what that could have been.

      I think you're right about me being prone to infection because I have an autoimmune illness which may account for the thin bladder lining perhaps.

      Maybe it would be a good idea to speak to the urology department tomorrow if they're in charge of bladder issues? The GP practice has processed my urine sample however so I don't know who best to speak to!

  • Posted

    Hello again. All consultants have a secretary so why don't you give her a ring. Explain everything to her and ask to be seen earlier. It's a long time until May especially when you are having lots of problems. Failing that ask your GP to expedite your appointment. Doctors have a system in place where by they can ask for a patients appointment to be brought forward. The consultant usually obliges. Don't worry about the white bits in your urine. It's common and most women have them.
    • Posted

      Hi, thanks for your reply. Yes, I'll give the secretary a ring tomorrow morning and explain to them the problems I have. Good to know the white bits in my urine are common. smile

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