Watery mucus instead of/leading to period?

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I've had an odd symptom the past 10 days or so--a watery, colorless, odorless discharge. That type of discharge is normal for me when I ovulate mid month. (Though I am in peri my periods usually come every 26-27 days.) But the watery discharge is usually only for 3-4 days in the middle of that cycle.  This month it has been about 10 days and my period was 'scheduled' for Monday and so far it is a no show. 

I'm not worried, but just wondering if this has happened to anyone else. Could I be in an extended ovulation? Or is it because I have been having naughty dreams about Jason Statham? redface

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8 Replies

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    I used to have it a lot. Real slimy when you wipe yourself? Don't mean to be so graphic....

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      Yes, that's the perfect description of the viscocity.  The nurse y practitioner I saw years ago described ovulation mucus as resembling fresh egg white consistency. 

      Normally it is an indicator of ovulation for me.  But it's endless this month! I wonder what else could cause that discharge? 

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      I had it a lot for about a year before my just. Do you have any ovarian cysts
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      I had a transvaginal and pelvic ultrasound about 2 years ago and had no cysts then.  I have no symptoms of ovarian cysts as the government's website on women's health describes them.  But it is worth asking my OB/GYN when I see her next. 

      Sorry to be out of the loop, but what is your 'just'?  smile

  • Posted

    This happened to me very recently when I skipped a period.I had an ultrasound that found cysts..they'd developed in about a year and a half.

    I went on to have a normal period on something like cycle day 50, Ovulated normally and was back to my 26 day cycle.Now I'm day 28 and waiting again sad Trying parsley teaneutral

        They are simple cysts and I'm 47,might be a good idea to check it out maddysmom.All the best.

    • Posted

      Oh,forgot to say apart from a little bit of bloating and a skipped period no other symptoms..and in total the 5 cysts are about the size of a grapefruit.

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