Watery Pink Discharge After A Period.

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Hi there.

I was just wondering if anyone else experienced this. I'm 51 and for the past few months I've had a watery pink discharge at the end of my period which lasts about a week. At first I thought I'd developed some sort of incontinence but then I realised where it was coming from!!! It's more annoying than anything.

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    I am following this with interest as a similar thing started happening to me about 4-5 months ago. It was like my period hasn't quite finished and it went on for about 4 extra days. I then developed spotting during ovulation and then started spotting on and off. I think for me exercise makes it worse or even sets it off. My GP thinks it's perimenopause and all tests and swabs came back normal but I am also having a scan which really scares me. The more I read about this the more I accept and hope it's just peri as it seems to be happening to more women than I originally thought.

    Please keep me postedsmile

    • Posted

      Hi. I should also have added that I have been having various tests since a CA125 test scored over 150 about 6 years ago. I've had 2 ultrasound scans and can MRI scan. A hysteroscopy (which was brutal) and biopsies. I have adenomyosis (my uterus is the same size as a four month pregnancy) and polyps. I have been offered a choice of a hysterectomy, a uterine artery embolisation or mirena coil. Or I could just ride it out till my periods stop. I'm thinking the final option as I feel hysterectomy is an extreme option. Despite my CA125 being consistently high, no cancer has yet been found!! I feel like a freak of nature!!

    • Posted

      Well, you're certainly not a freak of nature.  Each woman is different, though perhaps it is more comforting to think that we aren't.  Medicine talks about normality, but it doesn't really exist.  What's normal is what's normal for you.  

      You might want to consider getting a second opinion, especially in view of the CA test.  Though your periods will eventually stop, that's not a guaranty that what's going on in your body will cease.  Many women get uterine or other gynecological cancers years after menopause occurs.  

      Best of luck to you!.  


    • Posted

      I'm a little worried you are not getting answers ,, what were your scan and mri results ,, ,, I was bloated and had a tummy looked 5 months pregnant ,, turned out to be a giant cyst , which turned out to be ovarian cancer , I'm 55 and never thought this would ever happen to me ,, previous biopsys of uturus and polyps come back no cancer ,, please get some answers don't leave it I got mine in time . very rare granulosa cell tumor grade 1c ,,, only htsterectomy got rid of it all  this is detected with inhibin a and b blood tests xx good luck and don't leave it get a second opinion x


    • Posted

      Scan and MRI results didnt show any cancer apparently.
    • Posted

      I'm so sorry this happened to you!  I had a complete hysterectomy last year for endometrial cancer, and have just been diagnosed with a reoccurrence.  I'm awaiting a pet scan and surgery.  

      Sometimes you need to press the doctors to get answers, as you know.  My best to you and I hope that your recovery continues well.  xx

    • Posted

      sorry to hear that Lynda take care my darling  ,,I hope all goes ok and they can keep you stable ,, the main thing is here to get that second opinion benchster and if you think something is wrong listen to your body ,, I'm happy scans were clear xx

  • Posted

    I have had this also. Right now I have it and wondering when its going to stop. I can tell it's hormones because my period was pretty strong and I had a lot of adrenaline(life's happenings) this month which makes your cycle more intense. I think.. Is my period going to start again? but so far it has not and this morning I am thinking it may be done. I even had a hot flash last night...It's like my cycle was starting over in a really quick period of time..days....I am trying to go with the flow of it..but it's hard sometimes as I was feeling pretty balanced..as possible as you can...eating well, acupuncture , teas, and then I feel so off again....  sigh... it gets to me....  Hope this helps you.. smile your not alone!!

  • Posted

    Dear Benchster, I have the same, it started in May. I am 55, still having periods, some are missing. Since this spring the periods became lighter, but the watery pink something started appearing in the end of a period. Also, although the periods are lighter, I feel depressed , anxious, doom and gloom. This feeling last several days after the period. It is annoying and not pleasant. No fun for two weeks, health anxiety, feeling sad all the time, crying occasionally.

    • Posted

      I feel exhausted during my period. I've spent the last two days either sleeping or watching TV. I have no energy to do anything.

    • Posted

      Not to frighten you, but my first symptoms were terrible fatigue, no energy.  I dragged myself through each day.  

      Also, I am glad that your scan and mri were clear, but if your doctor hasn't told you, they are only able to show cancer when it has reached a certain size--so you need to stay vigilant for yourself and see your doctor if there is any change.

      Take care xx

  • Posted

    Hello, just found this post searching for an answer to my problems. I am 42 and  just like you I have adenomyosis and polyps. My CA125 is 200 now and CA19 is 160. Had numorous scans and laporoscopy, no cancer found but my dictors blames it in adenomyosis. I started having this watery pink discharge at the end if my period together with extremely severe pelvic pain that last for about 5 days, ends right before ovulation. The pain is unbearable, and it is made worse by exercise. My uterus is more enlarged and inflamed diring these days. Do you have the same with your adenomyosis? I am planning hysterectomy next year but it’s a hard decision because I don’t have any kids... just 5 miscarriages sad
  • Posted

    I'm 40. Just diagnosed with adenomyosis . I look pregnant but never knew adenomyosis could enlarge your uterus. I have pink liquid and spotting mid cycle. I bleed so heavily during periods I'm anemic. Dr has suggested hysterectomy. I've had 2 children.  I'm done but I feel too young but at the same time I can't spend every month bleeding heavy 8 days then spotting 1 wk then bleeding again. 

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