WC doctor feels my neck pain I've been having 2 months after my SLAP surgery isn't from my shoulder.

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I had SLAP surgery in August of last year on my right side, because I was assaulted by a few of my students that I restrained and broke up fights several times. The kids were in kindergarten, and had behavioral issues. 2 months after my surgery I started having neck pain, and as time went on, the pain only got worse. My surgeon thought maybe it was coming from my shoulder, so he wanted me to go see a neurologist and spine doctor. I went to see the neurologist, and he also felt the pain was coming from my shoulder. He ordered a MRI for my shoulder and neck, but after going back and forth with my insurance, and the doctor's office to get the MRI for my neck approved, well after my insurance denied it 2x, WC approved it within a few days. I finally had the MRI for my neck on Monday Feb. 5th, and when I talked to my case manager from WC today to inquire about some therapy on my neck, she informed me that their doctor feels that my neck pain isn't due to my shoulder or injury that a 5 year old could do, but something about my age. I just can't believe this is happening! I haven't had any neck pain like this before, but after 2 months of my SLAP surgery, I start having all this pain!! I guess they will have a hearing sometime soon to determine if my neck pain is coming from my shoulder and injury.

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    so sorry to hear this. It's sad when WC (insurance in general) is involved because the patient often gets lost in the process of determining who is going to pay for the medical care. You really can't look at the body as parts that exist without each other. The neck is so close to the shoulder that when something happens to your shoulder it happens to the neck too. They're connected. When injury happens, we try to simplify things and assign one cause...but in most situations, there may be multiple connected things going on. I hope someone can have the clarity of mind to see through this over simplification and attend to you as a whole person rather than just pieces of you. 

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your input. I believe the say thing! I can't see how that doctor can say something like that! Trying to restrain or breaking up fights, doesn't just involve your hands either! When someone has serious behavioral problems, they are very strong; no matter what age! This is just frustrating to me, because I got hurt from a child for doing my job; a job I've loved and enjoyed doing for so many years! I didn't have this problem years before that with any children. I will continue to put it in God's hands! Right is Right!! I don't even think that doctor is a specialist; like a neurologist or spine doctor either!

  • Posted

    Unfortunately, with all of these injuries, there is no simple fix.  It takes time to heal, and you must stretch, work the range of motion, and strengthen the muscles of these problematic areas.  Try to stay calm when dealing with the people you need to deal with; try not to put them on the defensive.  You do not want them to shut down on you.  You need them to help you recover, and you need them to help you with the financial side.  Focus on finding solutions to your injuries.  Take it one step at a time.  Keep your wits and ask questions.  Do some research online.  Remember there is no magic pill to make you feel better.  You will have to be physically involved with your recovery, e.g., stretching, working ROM, and strengthening.  You will need to be emotionally involved with your recovery.  You will have good days and bad days.  You will be frustrated.  You will be happy.  Slow and steady.  You will get through all of this, and you will recover.  GOOD LUCK!
  • Posted

    PS at your hearing be prepared to ask questions that revolve around your recovery.  If they say things that don't make sense, calmly ask them to provide you with examples.  You can still get positive results without blasting them.  Slow and steady.  Listen and process what they are saying and ask questions.  Ask them for solutions to help you recover.  If they appear unreasonable or not to hear you, tell them that you are seeking solutions and you need their expertise in order to find a path to recover. What can they offer, what path can they suggest to you to help you stretch, work ROM, and strengthen the problem areas.  Your situation is s##tty for sure!  I work in a huge urban district and know that things can get ugly fast during WC issues.  Avoid the blame game.  If you don't like the results of the hearing remember you can appeal the outcome.  Do not become hostile or combative.  If you have to appeal, you want to be seen as a reasonable person.  Frustrating for sure, but play the game so that you can recover.  GOOD LUCK!

  • Posted

    PSS remember you can also get another opinion outside of the WC doctor.  Sometimes the WC doctor will low ball the diagnosis to avoid expense to the employer.  Please stay calm as you work your way through the process.  Restoring you back to yourself is number one.  Now another idea for you might be to ask your orthopaedic surgeon to speak with the WC doctor.  Again, you are seeking solutions to help your recovery.  I've had specialists confer with my doctors in the past.  Stay calm and keep working through the process.  It sucks.  I am sorry you have been put in this situation but you will work through it, and you will recover!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your advice and input; it really helps, and I appreciate someone else's advice! I just want to get better and have more strength to do the things I enjoy or haven't been able to do for so long. All this has made me more aware of things when I go back to work; not to break up anymore fights or restrain anymore kids either. I'll just try to get help from now on. I have 3 more years after Aug. of this year before I can retire.

  • Posted

    also, even if you had something going on in your neck due to the aging process, that does not recuse them from responsibility to the fact that you had no problems with your neck prior to your surgery or injury. many aged people have arthritis and congenital abnormalities and live pain free and active lifestyle. But introducing a force to something that may have been well balance or even fragile can cause problems that otherwise would not have arisen without that event occurring. they are just looking for a scapegoat. I had a fall onto a previously sprained finger and I broke a different finger and the sprained one. I told my WC claim manager and she said it does not matter. If you injure something that was previously injured, it is still considered a new injury. Write everything down. Best of luck. 
    • Posted

      I was doing really good all these years, and the only things I had and still have problems with, is maybe bronchitis, upper respiratory infection and sinuses acting up; Not my neck or shoulders. I'm not a violent person; I'm a Christian person who tries to get along with Everyone, and I will help anyone in some way if I could. I don't think it's right that I have to go through so much pain due to an assault, and for a doctor to say my age has a part in this (my neck). I will give this to our Lord; just as I have with other things. Waiting on MRI results of my neck now.

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