Weak urination stream, cannot ejaculate, abdominal pain, constipation. Please help!
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Im dealing with a medical mystery and i need answers! This has been on going for months now! My urination has a very weak stream, i cannot ejaculate, i get abdominal pain (in particular right around the belly button and or left side of stomach) also ive been dealing with constipation. I had a ct scan done by a urologist and thats when they said i was constipated. Had a colonoscopy done snd nothing was wrong. Ive also had my blood drawn 3 times, a couple urine samples (no signs of infection) ive had a finger up my butt twice(lol prostste exam?) went back to the uriologist and bevause im only 26 years old he swears its probably an infection. Been on an antibiotic for a week so far with no results. Im lost, confused, depressed. I just want answers!
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I'm on Clonipine for anxiety disorder and vivaynse 4 adhd , I'm a postal worker that walks around 10 miles a day and I feel like I hydrate enough. Just adding details
sanya11314 nicolas56470
Definitely belongs into professional doc help, which you are, to exclude some e.g. prostate problems.
One side note:
we have huge success for urination stream 'power' with
PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone 10 or 20mg)
and with NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine, 600 mg) - to counteract possibly tachycardia of PQQ.
Had very interrupted and weak trickling urination stream for as long as I can think, like a prostate hyperplasia patient (but being a female!) and within 2 months of PQQ with NAC it improved greatly. Also taking Magnesium daily.
Some call PQQ for that reason: the pee-quality-control. ;-)
It does something to the mitochondrial function, you might want to search the internet about it just to do something actively yourself.
All the best
lilian05079 nicolas56470
Did the Urologist carry out a cystocopy to investigate your bladder for any abnormalities of the bladder wall..also did you have a urodynamics test which tests how much urine your bladder can hold. Your bladder may be pressing down on your prostrate.. ..causing the problems you mention...if you have not had these tests i suggest you ask for these bladder tests.....best wishes...