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hi everyone. hope your all doing ok. I'm trying to fight my severe anxiety right now. but all of a sudden the other day my legs went really weak. the kind of weakness you get when ur legs have went numb from leaning on them and they're waking back up. that kind of weakness. It happened Monday. and I was already having achy legs. now I've this weakness in them everytime I move them. it's scaring me so much. and They hurt aswell like down the sides mostly near my knees. and today I've had a warm sensation on my skin on my body. I did phone my doctor yesterday and he said That it can be cause by my mental health right now and I just don't believe it. I had a baby 7 weeks ago and my period is still not right but I'm having light red when I wipe. I feel dizzy and sometimes feel like I'm gonna a fall. i woke up.this morning absolutely sweating and had diareah aswell. I had a dream last night that i was suffocating 😭 I just want to feel normal again. sitting here now and I can feel the weakness in my legs. could it be because my body is taking time to recover after having a baby ? what could it be. is there any supplements I I take to help.me feel better because my doctor isn't concerned whatsoever

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7 Replies

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    sorry about that Rachel. Have you been tested for Covid?people can get all types of symptoms with that including gastrointestinal. And it also can be caused by anxiety even though it’s hard to believe. I’ve had all your symptoms over many years and there were times I couldn’t even get up off the couch because of the weakness. When we are stressed out, anxious, fearful, etc. we can get what is called brain fatigue which is the cause for the feeling of weakness. i’m not saying that’s what you have but that’s what I have experienced.make sure that you are staying hydrated. That will help with the dizziness.

    if this continues you could always talk to a different doctor.

    when my symptoms wouldn’t go away, I visited a neurologist. After having an MRI, it was concluded that all my symptoms were stress and anxiety related.

    as far as supplements go, you have to be careful because they are not FDA approved. Some people have adverse reactions to them. That I would discuss with your doctor or another doctor first.

    i do hope you are able to find some relief. Have you ever visited a counselor for the anxiety? A counselor would be able to come up with a plan for managing anxiety and stress. It really helps to talk to somebody. I do that once a week virtually and I look forward to it. I always learn something new. I do hope you feel better soon take care ❤

    • Posted

      hey Jan thank u. the only time I've been tested for covid was just before I gave birth 7 weeks ago. and it was negative. these symptoms are absolutely terrifying. maybe i should visit a different doctor. i just want to feel normal again. and to be a happy mom. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm absolutely terrified. my doctor has given me something to take with the anxiety meds I'm on. he said its something like xanax so maybe it will help a little bit

  • Posted

    I can't comment on this in relation to your recent pregnancy (which I know can certainly cause bizarre symptoms). But I have felt what you're describing many times. Burning patches on my body or across my chest/neck/shoulders. Horrible numbness and/or weakness in my legs and arms. And my GI system definitely suffers when my anxiety kicks in. It's always a good idea to check these things, but if it's any consolation, I've felt a lot of what you're talking about.

    • Posted

      thank u so much its super scary. yeah the only way i can describe that feeling is as if my skin is warming up and my mouth become dry and I become disoriented kinda. its very scary. my legs feel so so horrible. like extremely weak almost as if they have been asleep. I don't know. I'm just so so tired of it all xx

  • Posted

    me and you have so many of the same symptoms. my leg has been feeling almost as its falling asleep but slightly feeling. my anxiety is there 24/7 i dont even have glimpses anymore of myself.

    • Posted

      thanks Tiffany. yeah my both legs feel as though they have been asleep and have that weak feeling. today actually it was one leg more than the other at one point. my anxiety is there all the time too. even yesterday like my heart was palpitating and I felt like I couldnt breath. almost like I was gonna stop breathing. and I was off for the whole day. last night i I had a scary dream that I was suffocating

    • Posted

      yeah my left leg has had a slight tingle fall alseep sensstion for aboug 6 days now..

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