Week 11

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Hi it's me again

I'm on week 11 now of 25mg of sertraline. 

I know it's a low dose but I'm sensitive to medication.

the problem is that for the last week iv felt nauseous and had a headache most of the week. 

Im feeling anxious again because of these symptoms.

im goig away Sunday and I'm starting to get worried about it, because if I'm feeling like this I'm not going to enjoy it. Worried about getting on a plane, I used to love flying. Trying meditation cds but don't seem to be helping my anxiety. 

Iv tried to get a doctors aptmt but the only date I could get is 5th May. 

Im taking paracetamol on a regular basis which most of the times doesn't help. For the nausea feeling iv tried ginger tea, infusing ginger,

i am going to suggest trying a different A/D when I go on the 5th but that does help me now. I think at wk 11 everything should have settled by now?? 

any advice please 


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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Julie , 11weeks is along time, I'm no doctor but it should of kicked in by now , 25mg is a very low dose ., 50mg may help you better , but as you are going away Sunday I would wait till you get back as you will get side effects because of the increase. When you get back try taking 2 -25mg. But it will still take about 2 weeks to get in your system. Isn't there another doc you see . Also you going away might help you to relax. Sorry I carnt help you very much . But we are all in the same boat . I'm stoped mine and getting withdrawals so it's all a bit crap , but at lease you will be in the sun and that's a good tonic. Try and have a good hols ,Oh and don't drink on these meds alcohol makes you feel worse . I found that out the hard way . 😎💕

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying.

      with taking sertraline for health Anxiety, with the headaches/ nausea coming on at 11 weeks I think alsorts, it maybe that I need to move to another A/D because this one isn't working for me, out of the 11 weeks iv been on them iv only had 2 weeks when iv felt ok. I'm not as I was, but it's just the lingering side effects that bothers me, 

      i was on Prozac when my husband died 9 years ago he was only 54.

      and I can not remember having side effects like this, 

      today im feeling dizzy too, but thinking that anxiety/ stress causing that.

      the only doctor I could see is one I do not want to see, because of the way he treated my husband when he went for help, before he was diagnosed with cancer. So no trust in that one I'm afraid. 

      I don't really drink. I have a a wine spritzer but more lemonade than wine, 

      i stopped smoking too. But sometimes I think why bother.

      I'm just worried that if I'm getting these symptoms that upping my dose won't help the cause, surely I will make headaches/ nausea worse not better?? I don't plan on doing anything until I get back and spoke to the gp on the 5th.

      i may go to the pharmacist tomorrow to see if there's anything I can take to tide me over. 

      How long have you been on them for, and why are you coming off them?? 

      Hope you feel better soon. It is crappy I agree. 😩💕

    • Posted

      Oh bless you Julie I'm so sorry to here you have lost your husband , my ?? go's out to you . God you have done well to be on just on sertaline. I understand you not wanting to see that doctor . I had the same thing happen to me when my mum had cancer ,the doc said there was nothing wrong with her . I won't go to see him either . Your having to deal with a lot in your life at the min . Your doing the right thing seeing the doc. I came off mine because like you I started feeling anxious again but I had a health problem and was convinced I had cancer but had the all clear , so I came back down to 50mg , but a month after that I started again with bad anxiety  and there's nothing wrong in my life , so decided I'd had enough , I'd been on them 5years , so this is my 17th day off of them  , it's not been easy but better than the anxiety. Life's a bitch at times . Keep on this form , there's always someone worst then us . Thinking of you and hope you have a fab holiday.

    • Posted

      Thank you Sharen

      Before I went on these I thought I was dying too, because I felt so poorly, I have acid reflux too and that to can mimic a heart attack

      and the tablets I was on for 5years stopped working so I took myself off them, and the rebound effect coming off them floored me

      So I was getting chest pains, felt like a lump in my esophagus.

      my heart rate went up so much I was put on beta blockers which made me faint, so came off those too. Then anxiety kicked in,

      hence now taking sertraline.

      I'm going to see my new grandson and I'm looking forward to

      meeting him and seeing my son and partner.

      Sounds like youv been though the mill too, and hope you continue to come off them without to many problems.

      You take care x

  • Posted

    Maybe you just have the flu, we forget that not everything is the Sertraline.hopefully you will feel better for your trip. Where are you traveling. You can do this, 
    • Posted

      Don't think it's the flu, iv been struggling with the side effects

      From day 1 but was willing to keep trying with it,

      I'm still getting bad headaches/ nausea/ rash under my arms which im putting eczema cream on and boils that

      have appeared since iv been on sertraline and at 56 iv never had spots or boils all my life. Coincidence maybe.

      It's only 1hr 30mins flight so hopefully it will go quickly.

      I will go and talk it over with my GP on the 5th to see what she

      says. Thank you for replying,

  • Posted

    Boots have a liquid that looks like a pink window cleaning substance, but tastes OK if a little slimey. It is for nausea but I can't say the name on here or the post will be deleted!!!!!!! I've used it and it helps. However it can make you a bit constipated (sorry). It will also make your p## black for a while but hey, it could work for you.

    Try a good health food shop as well as they have some decent stuff to help with nausea and also anxiety.

    • Posted

      Thanks P.

      Sound lovely lol.

      Iv seen what eating alot of beetroot can do, so peeing black

      isn't a problem, I could also be a bit constipated too.

      Going into town tomoro so will have a look.


      Hope you are getting on ok with your medication

    • Posted

      Thanks for asking. Day 23 and still have nausea almost all the time and I have to force myself to eat (not like me in the past). All day in bed yesterday, out working on the Nature Reserve for a few houres today and (fingers crossed) still upright at the moment. No day is ever the same.

      Really getting pi##ed off with the numb sort of mood though and mornings are a real struggle to get motivated. Should be doing chores but I just CBA.

      Take care.


    • Posted

      Hi , sorry you are experiencing the nausea, can you take something to settle your tummy. Things should start to settle soon👍

    • Posted

      Ano what you mean.

      I wake up in the morning hoping I don't have a headache etc.

      But hopefully it will settle down for you, every body says 4-6

      weeks, I'm 5 over that now, so I need to decide what to do.

      I'm usually a very social person, but some days I'm not bothered

      about seeing or talking to anyone.

      Hope you feel better soon.

      No doubt I will be on here again with another update

      Take care


    • Posted

      Have been recommended something by my very 'interested' GP. It is a natural remedy and is very expensive unfortunately but seems to be working very well indeed. Can supply info by message if anyone interested.


  • Posted

    Maybe you should have the rash looked at, never heard of that side effect. Hope you have a wonderful trip, sounds like you may have an allergic condition going on. Your pharmacist could give you something for that. Wk 11, things should have settled. I never got over the anxiety so weening off.
    • Posted

      Hi Lorraine.

      That's what I thought, allergic reaction to it, my anxiety hashalved, it's the Headaches etc I'm finding hard to cope with,

      I don't want to take anymore time off work because it is going

      Under new ownership.

      Iv made an aptmt to see my GP when I get back

      Iv given sertraline long enough, so going to see if I can try


      Are you on any other now??

      Thank you I really need to get away and spend time with my

      son and family

    • Posted

      I don't want to start another. At 37.5 Sertraline for two weeks then 25 for two weeks then 12.5 etc. I never got headaches, but lots of pooping, and anxiety.can you take an allergy pill,   I am hoping I will be fine and won't need another. St Johns wart is on the radar for me, no side effects. When is your trip. Have a snuggle with your grands, best medicine

    • Posted

      Sounds like your doing well, hope it continues for you.😊

      I really don't want to take anymore pills because they all seem to have effects with me, I'm putting eumervate on it at the moment and it's taking the redness off.

      Monday we go, carnt wait to see him.

      I was on kalms but it made my heart race even more.

      Sensitive thing arnt I lol

      Keep me posted on your progress. X

    • Posted

      I started smoking again, 😳 Seems to help with the anxiety. Not doing great yet, but I have to start pushing myself. I have felt like a zombie on the Sertraline, gave up my yoga, gym , etc and not going out like I was. Retired so lots of time on my hands. My husband works long hours so after kids left house feels lonely

      have you tried corn starch on your rash. I swear by it, for everything,even diaper rash.

      I live in Canada so bit of a time change. You are probably settling for the night. Lunch here.

    • Posted

      Now, there's intersting. I was chatting to an ex mental health nurse today and they said that St J's Wort is used extensively abroad but is not 'recognised' here by the medical establishment. 

    • Posted

      I have the odd cigarette.

      Cornstarch how does that come?? In a paste or what??

      I'm 57 in july so iv got a few years work to do yet.

      They keep upping the retirement age so I may never get there at

      this rate.

      Yeh it's nearly 8pm. Ano how you feel, my sons left home a few

      years ago,

      Hopefully when you get your energy back you will start with your

      yoga etc again.

      I only work 3 days now because Anxiety got the better of me, and

      Couldn't cope with all the hours, I'm OK with 3 at the moment.

      Enjoy the rest of your day.

    • Posted

      I am 60, lots of this came with menopause,I think. Three sons for me, all grown😥. Cornstarch looks like flour, at your grocery, in baking aisle. You may have another name there. Are you in England, my Mom was from Manchester.

    • Posted

      Hi Lorraine.

      i had a hysterectomy at 42 due to problems, been on HRT ever since. So I maybe going through what would have been my natural menopause. I only take a hrt every other day due to being on it such a long time.

      i twigged later, its cornflour over here, I'm in Lincolnshire. Not many miles really from Manchester. 

      Hope you have a good day/weekend 


    • Posted

      Mom was actually from Darlington, not to far. Had a bad night, sleepless🙃, think the withdrawal from Sertraline lowered dose starting. Try the cornflower on your rash, can't hurt.

      She came over with Dad after the war, both are gone now😥

    • Posted

      Hi Lorraine.

      its been a while since iv spoken to you, how are you doing now.x

      im still on 25mg.

      put on weight which I’m not happy about, no matter how hard I try I don’t lose anything, x

    • Posted

      Hi Julie, doing much better thanks. Still taking the 25mgs as well, and yes, I have put weight on as well. I am back to doing yoga, and Pilates, walking and taking a Zumba class, but my appetite has gone crazy. Seem to be hungry all the time😉, however that is soooo much better than panic and anxiety. Take care, nice to hear from you

    • Posted

      Good morning Lorraine.

      So glad your doing well, it’s strange how they make us put on weight, but like you say it’s better than the anxiety and panic attacks. 

      Keep me posted on how you are doing now and again. 

      Take care xx

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