Week 8 - Side Effects
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Hello all,
This is my first time on Citalopram for health anxiety. My journey started pretty much on NYD this year when I hit an all time very low patch with severe worries causing many horrible bodily symptoms. I had full blood work which was all clear and I am on week 6 of counselling sessions, which is going well.
I'm currently on 20mg which has been good so far. I endured the early side effects which were not very nice but have passed, and since week 3/4 my moods and anxiety has seen a great improvement. From mid week 7 to now though I've been expieriencing something that's a bit difficult to describe. I'm having these moments throughout the day of not really feeling myself. I suddenly feel a bit detached from where I am or what I'm doing, a bit of a foggy/fuzzy kind of lightheaded feeling in my mind/eyes. It isn't dizziness, its difficult to describe it really, but it has given me a bit of a little set back in my anxiety as it is obviously making me seek reassurance on here. I think because this is new to me with the meds, i'm not really sure what to expect or what is normal and what isn't and how do I know if it's the dose etc. I had my GP review yesterday and explained everything from day one regarding side effects and that besides that I have felt the benefits already and it was decided to keep me on this dose for now.
I do understand that everyone is different on these meds and it also takes different lengths of time, but if anyone has had similar at this sort of time in the process, and I guess is it normal to have some new side effects throughout randomly and not just in the first couple of weeks?
Thanks all
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forgot to add, I'm also yawning a lot all day and feeling a little congested too. With slight loss of appetite again Plus feeling a little detached from reality sometimes and hard to focus.
rob37052 thomas82908
Hi thomas
It sounds like derealization, i get it & its horrible
Derealization & depersonalization are both common in the fields of mental illness.
I battle mine by eating well & trying to get good sleep.
When i get it you feel like your watching yourself on tv or your in a film outside looking in, i feel people are talking through me & im just not registering anything anybody's saying. It will pass mate but its not nice having that detached feeling. Hope your feeling better mate
Beetles rob37052
Hi Rob
thank you for your post......I too am suffering with disassociation or derealization and you are right it's horrible and quite frightening
it takes me most of the day to jump out of it . For some reason I'm worst in the morning and it takes at least half a day to feel human.
I'm keen to get your comments
rob37052 Beetles
Hi martain
When it hits me its for a couple of weeks unfortunately, everything seems strange & i loose my general cognitive flow with people & surroundings & its difficult to make simple decisions which is difficult in my line of work.
I fight it the only way i know by good sleep, cut out sugar & caffeine, eat well & take long hot baths and try to relax. I try to ignore it & carry on , you need to be kind to yourself & lick your wounds i think.........Do you find you get it when your tired/ stressed or when you get insufficient sleep?
Beetles rob37052
hi Rob
thank you for you feedback and hope you are making positive progress
I sleep well generally
my worst time is always the morning
when I wake and it takes a few hours to ground myself.
been getting harder each day so wondering if that is the citalopram withdrawal now in my 5th week
speak soon and take care
rob37052 Beetles
Hi Martin
It totally could be start up side effects mate
you will experience this for a few weeks until you start to settle. They will become less & less as time goes on.
The side effects are difficult, new dose/ increase/decrease dose is all side effects.
Unfortunately there's no strict timeline as to when recovery starts & you start to feel your old self again.
Just remember mate were all on this journey with you
Hope your feeling better