week 9 - is there still time for further improvement?
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Hello everyone. I posted on here at approx. 7 weeks of Citalopram, since then i have had 10 days in a row of 'good' days, where my anxiety has been minimal and i felt such a relief of not having constant anxiety anymore. I'm on 20mg Citalopram and reluctant to increase if possible as i want to help myself heal too without medication completely.
For the past 3-4 days, the anxiety has crept back in, i have also had a couple of tearful spells. I'm most certainly not as bad as i was at the start of citalopram, but, i do get nervous that this down spell will continue. 😦 I know people say it takes months to heal and this is my second time round on the medication, but i just thought i'd be seeing much better improvements at 9 weeks. I also have to add that i'm due on my period in 2 days, which might be why my mood and anxiety has flared up (i hope).
It's hard because i'm very aware i've had 10 good days, i diary my everyday thoughts and feelings so i can check back. BUT, once you have 1 or 2 bad days, thats it, you easily forget about those good days you had...
Anyone with any experience, wise words, motivation etc would be massively appreciated right now. 😃 thanks so much xxx
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Jonesy77 Guest
Hi Jade,
I'm sorry you're having a blip in your progress but reading everything you have said in your message makes me think that the run of problems with anxiety is being made worse by you thinking that you are back to being unwell again. You say you're keeping a record of your mood and feelings which in some ways is great because you can see your progress but could it be the case that you are now worrying that you're back to square one which is perpetuating the anxiety? Just a thought. Remember that anxiety can cause thoughts and behaviours which keep the anxious cycle going. Try to break it by reasoning with yourself that this is just a small blip and you might find your anxiety goes away and you can once again focus on the upward trend of getting better and progress made.
Hope that helps,
Laura x
Guest Jonesy77
Hi Laura, thanks so much for replying. YES, thats exactly it. I have this thing that with any illness whether it be anxiety or something completely different that 'its never going to get better' etc. its very unhealthy but i cant seem to kick it, i start CBT therapy in 2-3 weeks so im hoping that will help with that! I'm trying to stay as positive as possible, going out for walks daily, meditating etc. but i am home schooling my 4 year old and working at the same time so im stressed and limited with how much self help i can do at the moment.
I'm doing the best i can with the whole covid situation but i do very easily slip into a state of anxious thinking, which i'm hoping the CBT therapy will help with!
Thanks for your response xxx
Jonesy77 Guest
Glad to hear you're starting CBT in a few weeks. I think you'll find it really valuable. I'm an ex primary school teacher so I can totally understand how it must be homeschooling and trying to work too. I expect all of the kids, even the ones who supposedly hate school, probably want to be back to semi normal and it must be so hard having to deal with a change of routine for children and associated adults. At least an end to lockdown is in sight even if it's hazy in the distance!
Wishing you lots of progress with the CBT. The hard bit is putting it in practise when you are really struggling. I've had lots of therapy but when you're really bad it's so hard to apply the techniques even though you remember them all perfectly well. Luckily, you're not at the really bad stage as it's best to have CBT when you're on the road to recovery. And remember you are on that road even though your thoughts tell you otherwise sometimes.
Laura x
harry09460 Guest
Hey Jade. Im on week 23 of 20mg and still have a the odd day when things are a bit tougher but overall im a million times better. 9 weeks is still early and you will have those spells of feeling better then worst. The bad days will just slowly get less and less. Its frustrating when it creeps back in but it does go again dont worry. Try to pay little attention to it and look forward to your good days again
Guest harry09460
Thanks for the reply Harry. It's reassuring to hear from someone who's doing well on the medication. X