Weepy Every Morning

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This is one of the hardest phases of menopause. (I am period free)  

I have anxiety and every morning, EVERY morning, I wake up with a "sick" stomach and wanting to cry.  It is so depressing.  I am very tired of feeling this way.  I have anxiety much of the day, with the morning being the worst time.  By the time I go to bed at night I feel a sense of calm.  

Does anyone else feel this way?  I believe I have read many say mornings are the worst.  But I literally wake up and want to start crying.


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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there! I'm exactly the same, as soon as I open my eyes I wait a matter of seconds before BAM!!! There it is, nausea, internal tremors, legs like jelly, stiff as a board and then all that kicks off the anxiety! Wonder what's the point in actually getting out of bed in the first place, today I want to cry, no reason but it's just not coming!

    Your not alone in this sweetheart, I'm only 46 but feel 90 x

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    Yes anxiety big time every single morning! The crying the depression, feeling weak , it happened to me last year and lasted for about 6 months with about a weak during each month feeling like it cycles itself and goes during each one of those months.. It went away for me , and now it has returned, I'm so mad that this has returned, as this is one of the hardest symptoms to deal with.. My only hope is that it went away last year, and that it does cycle itself and goes away during the months , and goes away at night, but it sure does grip you, very depressing, hang on tight for this one lots of meditation. And breathing and relaxation technichs, breathe exhale breathe exhale.....this one is the worst besides the migraines, but keep telling yourself you'll get through it.. It will lift

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    I'm right there with you, as I have it super bad right now,,,

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    Mornings are the worst for me too.  I used to hit the ground running, that ended last year.  41 in perimenopause.  Are you taking anything?  I started an anti depressant recently...my crying spells are gone.  Also, do you have acid reflux, ibs...I was getting that awful nausea too with that.
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    I get this every morning too and more.  I did finally cave and go to the doctor.  I take .25 of a Clonzapan about 9:00 am every morning and it has been a lifesaver.  It not only helps with the weepy part but also with the dizziness.   I also started working out  4-5 days a week at a local health club.   Btw...  I tried anti depressants but all gave me horrible side affects.  So these types of meds are not an option for me.  The  Clonzapan is such a low dose and it works that I do not want to rock the boat and even think about trying anything else with regards to meds. I also take a product called Protandim (natural supplement).  It too has helped tremendously!!!   The other thing that I developed entering into peri menopause 4+ years ago was sleep apnea.  If I don’t wear my night gear, I get way more anxious throughout the day.  I you snore, you might have it.  Women who are prone to it, can develop it full fledged due to the loss of muscle tone (including the throat muscles) due to estrogen loss.  Get a sleep study done through a neurologist if you think it could be part of the issue.  Hang in there!  It does get better, just takes time for the darn hormones to balance themselves out.  

  • Posted

    Hey Nan, definitely. I'm also period free for over 3 nearly 4 yrs. I can honestly tell you that I always feel worst when I first wake up. I suppose they say it's worse in the morning because its true. I would describe it as feeling as though I'm permenantly due on! Tearful, agitated and really irritable! Loud noises go right through me. I think I'm always tearful because I feel so anxious. Everything seems magnified. I've had a bug/virus for the past 3days. This morning just kept crying on and off. Maybe I'm just run down and my defences are low. Who knows? Loud noises, too much going on at home. Seems overwhelming at times. Everyone is carefree, going about normal business at home and I'm on the outside, looking in. I am not at peace with myself. I have been prescribed vitamin D as it was really low. Not sure I feel any better though. In answer to your question I always feel worse in the morning. Donna xxx

  • Posted

    Yes, this started for me about six months ago. I would wake up with a sick queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's gotten better, but part of it is my job. I really am ready for retirement from the type of work I'm doing, it's wearing on me and I feel like it's aging me.

    I also feel lonely too. I didn't used to but I met someone that I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with but he left me for someone else. The mornings have gotten a little better for me and I hope they will continue to get better.

    I do have another question, is anyone else fed up with social media? I closed my Instagram account and barely get on Facebook. I'm so over people trying to push their lifestyles on you. What I mean is one of my Facebook "friends" is now pushing the keto lifestyle she is over 50 and she looks great. She's lost 50 pounds on it. She said she has boundless energy and it has improved her overall health(she has not mentioned if she exercised or not)

    While she looks great and I'm happy for her. I tried the keto lifestyle and I lost six pounds in three days(she said it took her a month to start losing weight) it made me feel so bad and I had leg cramps.  People were like oh you've just go the "keto flu", drink some pickle juice. I got off of it and added carbs back into my diet and felt better. My motto is eat less move more. I've lost 15 pounds. 

    Back to the morning blues (that's my name for them).  They're getting better for me a little at a time. I hope the same happens for you.  Blessings and ((((hugs)))))

    • Posted

      Hi Juanita, yes...I have a FB, but I only have a couple of people on it and I never post or follow anyone.   But, I know what you mean...seems the newest fads are always the greatest.  These people probably take more meds and booze it up everyday for all we know!  I know people who, smoke, drink, obese with heart troubles and their moving around better than me!  😂

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      Hi Juanita ?

      Quit FB about 6 months ago. Don't watch much news either. And I agree with you on the eat less/move more. Common sense, really.

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      She did drink alcohol a lot. I would say that's probably what put most of the weight on her.

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      The news is the worst. I used to be addicted to Facebook now I get on there like once a day, if I think about it. People telling too much about their lives.🙄

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      EXACTLY!That's why I stopped. Guess I REALLY feel like life is at a standstill right now, and the last thing I want to see is how "happy" everyone is. How skinny they are, etc. This peri has made me a bit of a monster. But I can fake it pretty good, when I have to make appearances.

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      I know right? I just think people should be more private about some things. Like, why put pics of your new house, car, etc. on Facebook? One guy put a picture of his wife's acceptance letter into nursing school on Facebook with their address clearly showing!

  • Posted

    Hi Nancy 

    Yes the mornings are for sure the worst creepiest time of the day for me.

    Several posts about this. It has me curious because im certain that its adrenal related. 

    I am almost always calmer at night if anytime at all but noticing now that evenings arent giving me a reprieve either as much as before, so lot of changes going on.

    On bad days (which are many) i feel as though i have fibromyagia, adrenal fatigue as well as menopause and depression and anxiety.

    I mean really people...?....Why such punishment. 

    I try mostly tobe pretty darn positive through the wretcheness of it all, its grueling. My kids as how i am.."Fine'  i reply. My friend long distance, or brother asks me.."Fine" i reply.

    Its because noone can help me. I have to deal with this alone, and get through it alone. 

    Im just thinking that after 15 months of this, things would turn the corner, and it was turning, but now back to the lows, and the struggles.

    I believe that we are never really over this.

    i know it sounds terribly pessimistic, but what if there is no light at the end of the tunnel, what if this is what it is for the rest of my life? Theres no guarantee that everything will "settle down" i mean there isnt..

    I like to think that it will improve though, i like to always have hope and im never giving up.



  • Posted

    I've experienced Sunday morning depression for about four or five years now, but now it's every morning. Like you, I feel sick and anxious, depressed and wanting to cry. Sometimes, I do cry but surely not enough. When I get to work, I really can't, of course, but last Thursday I sort of lost it and called a friend and cried to him for a few minutes. It was cathartic. For me, the worst time of the day is either early morning or about 11am to 3pm. These might be hormonal cycles. Hang in there, luv. You're not alone.

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      I really wish I had someone close to talk or cry to.  

      I have sisters but haven't told them how bad it is right now.  

      I haven't told anyone, so I am thankful I can write in this forum!

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      I hear you Musicgeekgrl

      those time frames are very familiar.. early morning when the jolt happens and awaken with dread, very ill feeling,shaky, scared, its so weird. Its even weirder that i am actually getting USED to these horrible symptoms. Im actually used to it now. Always hating it but knowing that it will be like this every morning.

      Then have to psyche myself up to work, thank God im not having to be in to work everymorning

      I wished only i could cry more, i have so much pent up, that im afraid to cry but i think it would help me. I see commercials sometimes or some emotional thing happens and im soo teary eyed its ridiculous



    • Posted

      Mauiblue, I was thinking the same thing(about crying more). I don't want anything bad to happen for me to cry. But it seems like when I was younger I could cry at the drop of a hat. Now I just always feel on the verge of tears, but I never have that all encompassing, snotty nose, tears flowing like a river cry. I did have a pretty good cry last Friday and it did help. 

      I do have to go to work everyday, but I've noticed I have taken off a lot this year. I would go months and not take time off and when I did it was pre-planned. Now everyday is struggle to go. TMI, but I have to make number 2 sometimes two or three times before I go to work. But not on the weekends. I suppose my job has always been stressful, but now I just so burned out. I don't want to know about homicides, robberies, shootings, suicides, domestic violence and the list goes on and on(I work as Victim Advocate at the local Police Dept. in my city).  Oh, I'm also late most days now. I used to be at work early, now if I get here at 8:00(which is when I'm supposed to be here) it's a miracle. Today I was 20 minutes late. Thank God I have seniority and spent so many years NOT being late so I don't get docked for being late. Sorry to go on so Maui. Thanks for letting me vent. ((((hugs)))))

    • Posted

      No worries at all i dont mind the venting, its necessary here on the forums.. Yeah the tears are pent up in there for me too, its just hard to get them out, and when and where..I think its therapeutic to cry.

      So maybe in the morning what happens is that you have that kind of flight or fight reaction before going into work and so you "go" ! its like a preparatory reaction to stress. I also pee alot when im stressed, and its right after i get up..which is the worst time of day for me..

      You have a tough job for certain, wow. You see..with jobs like we have, it takes so much out of you whether you are into it or not, just the fact that another human being is handing over this energy to you, you have to deal with it, on top of what you are struggling with.

      I find that i have less an less patience or empathy with patients. Especially when im hurting..physically mentally etc. and especially when their problem is caused by their own doing, or its something really petty. For example this morning a lady came into the clinic i work at (urgent care) because last WEEK she got some sunscreen in her eyes and they felt uncomfortable...?? I just have so little patience theses days, like are you flippin kidding me??? Im hanging on by a thread..grinding my way through the day, and this woman's eyes are bothering her, and a few of her friends borrowed her boat and didnt take care of it...OK so i vented too!

      I admire you for your dedication, and dont be hard on yourself for being late you DESERVE it.


    • Posted

      Thank you Maui. I too have little patience/empathy with my clients. Sometimes I just want to slap these women. Oh so you have six babies by this abusive piece of crap? It's a lot easier to leave him with one or two kids than six!!!! I'm like you. I can barely get thru my day. I don't want to think to hard about my job. Some days I just want to run away and work at Baskin Robbins!🍦🤣🤣🤣🤣

      But that's not why I got my Master's Degree😂😂😂😂

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      Oh and what you do is amazing! I've been to urgent care I don't know how you do it. I also think you're right about fight or flight mode, that's how I feel in the mornings.

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      yes i actually like to work when im feeling good its just when im so low and run down, it makes it so much harder to be empathetic when im thinking to myself, "someone should be helping me out intstead of the other way around"...



    • Posted

      I want to work. I just don't want to do this type of work anymore. It's wearing me down. I'm close to retirement and Lord willing when I do I want to take about 18 months off just doing me and I pray I will have a significant other by then. I just want to spend that time traveling a bit, watching the 60 or movies I have in my DVR, reading etc. Then I want to take some classes and work on becoming a freelance wedding photographer. I just hope this is all in align with God's plan.

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      That sounds like a realistic plan. when can you retire? I know how you feel not wanting to be in the same line of work..it gets so tiring.I feel literally like i shouldnt be in the caring profession even though i care for others fairly well.  rolleyes

      Whatever transpires will be as God wants it to be for sure, and im sure thats a good thing.


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      I can retire at 62.  I'll be 59 this year, so three years. There are days when I feel like I can't make it another day, let alone three years. I pray every day that in a good way something will happen and I can retire at the end of this year!  Lol! That would be fantastic. Most days I just feel like this job is sucking at my soul. Oh great, my Supervisor just put a homicide case on my desk. I have to call the family and be sympathetic. And while I and so sorry for their loss, after almost 12 years it's just too much. And on top of that my Supervisor and one of my coworkers have been acting funny towards me lately. Or maybe it's just me wanting out or menopause paranoia  LOL!!!!!

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      wow i just replied and it was somehow erased.

      i was saying that sometimes our jobs can really zap the life out of us and this one you have for certain does that.

      does the family know about the homocide obviously?

      i think that sometimes our jobs can be more detrimental than helpful to our wellbeing. I understand what you mean about meno paranoia ...!

      i wonder if that ever goes away..rolleyes

      Ifind myself doing the same thing, wondering if people are commenting on my 'lack of' or if its just me. I think both.

      I hope that you can retire soon. Three years is a long time ..but it depends truly on your symptoms and how you are doing. Did you say you had kids grown? 



    • Posted

      I definitely think my job is detrimental to my well being. I have thought this for a while. Yes, the family knows, I can't speak to them until they've been notified.

      Oh yes I always feel like my Supervisor is not happy with my work.🙄 She's been a little snippy lately and the other one just stopped talking to me at all. I let it go with her because her life is horrible.

      I don't have any children at all.

      Thank you for understanding my menopause babbling 😂😂😂??

    • Posted

      Totally comprendo the meno babble.

      We speak the same language.   smile


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