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I had the surgery in September.I'm having a problem with weight gain.I've gained 20lbs.I never had any stomach now I do. can't sleep at night .I take black co-host 540mg to help with the hot flashes please help.also I feel like I can't catch my breath
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Guest Black1207
I've had trouble with weight gain and sleeplessness, too. What kind of surgery did you have?
Black1207 Guest
Guest Black1207
Ah. So far, I've had just one ovary removed.
bobbysgirl Black1207
I think you meant Black Cohosh? If so, it makes me feel 'weird'. Sage leaf, and flax seeds seem to be doing it for me.
My weight had been creeping up for some years. Last Christmas it had reached an unheard of 13st! Since I cut out added sugar, pastries and highly processed food and started eating more veg, seeds/nuts and grass-fed meat and dairy I have lost 20lb!
sharcerv52408 Black1207
I heard that black cohosh makes you gain weight. You can google it but I'm pretty sure I read that. I used to take it and I gained some weight. Of course I was trying to gain weight because peri made me lose a lot of weight.
maria101 sharcerv52408
Hi me too Peri made me lost weight I can't cut to much out of my diet, I eat as much as I can feeling sick don't help loose more,I'm putting on bit now thank god thanks to milk and potatoes have to eat something fattening sometimes well some people.
Sochima822 Black1207
Try Macca seems to work better. St. John's wort for the anxiety.
Black1207 Sochima822
Sochima822 Black1207