Weight Gain on Tikosyn?

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So since starting Tikosyn in mid-May, I have gained about 8 lbs, which is roughly a pound a week. I have been mindful about my diet, ride my bike 25-30 miles every day and can only attribute the weight gain to Tikosyn. Anyone have similar experience?

The good news is I have remained in NSR since converting after the second dose on May 12.

Appreciate any feedback.


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I dont know what to say. I hope this levels out for you and you stay in NSR. Like to see other responses. I wish you well and the best of luck.
  • Posted

    I am on Tikosyn and have not been able to lose the 10+ I gained before switching to Tikosyn....are you on beta blockers? Research shows gain on beta blockers is pretty common.  If you find a solution let me know....I started intermittent fasting but stopped now as this week I have a lovely case of shingles.....get the NEW shingles vaccine....I had the old one...only 50% effective for about five years😫😠

    • Posted

      Hello Pat and thanks for your reply. I am not on beta blockers but take Eliquis, Losartan and Atorvastatin in addition to Tikosyn. Before starting Tikosyn I had lost 20+ lbs. with lifestyle changes, so the recent weight gain is especially discouraging.

      Sorry about your shingles! I had an appointment with my pcp this week and although I have had shingles in the past, she advised me to get the new vaccine as shingles symptoms can return. She also gave me the pneumonia vaccine and advised me to wait 2 months before getting the shingles vaccine.

      Curious how long you have been on Tikosyn and has it kept you in NSR consistently?

      Hope you lose the shingles with minimal discomfort...when it rains, it pours, eh? Who was it that said “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.”?

      Regards and improved health to you and all,


  • Posted

    Hi Patrick....I did gain a few pounds when I started my beta blocker and it’s been really hard to get it back off however  I would rather deal with the weight gain then the out of sink heart rhythm..seems the less of the two evils.so glad to hear your still in NSR..God Bless you
    • Posted

      Hello Diana and thanks for your reply. I am not on a beta blocker but gained this weight since starting Tikosyn. This is especially discouraging after making lifestyle changes and losing 20+ lbs. after being diagnosed with new onset aFib in January of this year.

      But I agree with you that being in NSR should be my priority and sometimes you have to take the bad with the good. That being said, gaining weight is counterproductive to lifestyle changes made to effectively deal with aFib, but I will take the lesser of two evils to remain in NSR.

      Regards and good health to you and all,


  • Posted

    Hi Patrick,  I steadily gained weight as my beta blocker dosage was increased. They work on the adrenalin and can slow a person's metabolism down just like someone who suffers with thyroid problems. Best of luck.

    • Posted

      Hi Penny and thanks for your reply. It appears that weight gain is fairly common with beta blockers, but I am not on a beta blocker but gained this weight after starting Tikosyn about 7 weeks ago. I guess the only thing I can do is eat less and move more although I have remained mindful of diet and continue to ride my bike 25-30 miles every day while gaining weight! 🤷???

      Best to you and all,


  • Posted

    Hi Patrick,  I am only taking Tikosyn and eliquis since February when I was changed to Tikosyn. It has been a godsend but I cross my fingers. I could not stay in normal rhythm before. I began in October with Diltiazem , then added Flecainide with metroprolol, nothing worked.Gained weight and felt like a slug. No energy or endurance.  Since Feb., on Tikosyn, I had two very short episodes in March that ended easily on their own.  Had a fair amt of stress since then...husband had shoulder replaced, and came north for our summer, lots ofstuff going on, began therapy under EP suggestion to build myself,.... then this shingles....really awful. But the good news is no afib!  And eat very little, less since ill...but no weight loss?  I mean I eat almost nothing...and what I eat is healthy...grilled salmon, an egg now and again, yogurt...don’t even have a small glass of wine any more.  

    I would quiz my doc if I were you,  though they know little about nutrition. Butyou sound good...and hang in with Tikosyn. My doc says he has people who have been on it successfully for years. I am hoping...for both of us.  I wonder about my shingles...if afib had anything to do with it.

    • Posted

      Pat, fingers crossed here too for both of us! Good to hear your doc’s comments about Tikosyn being good for the long run!👍

      I too try to eat very little and have pretty much replaced my beloved craft beer with LaCroix 🤮 but sacrifices need to be made, eh? Having said that, I need to eat enough to sustain me on my long Florida summer bike rides or The Bear will get me!😱

      Regarding aFib and shingles, FWIW, my doc recently advised to get the vaccine but didn’t indicate if my aFib would make me more susceptible to getting it. But who knows? That’s why they call it a medical PRACTICE as it’s far from perfect, eh?😉

      Cheers and keep smiling!


  • Posted

    Patrick, Get the new vaccine if you can. It’s 90% effective as opposed to the one I had which is only 50%, and wears off eventually.  My hospital (a trama teaching center with major hospital)  is out of it till mid summer and CVS won’t haveany more till 2019! My husband found it at a Walgreen/Rite Aid yesterday, and friends had to go to next town to find it , again at a Walgreens.

    Friends in Massachusetts are waiting as they cannot find it. So get it if you can. This is ugly stuff especially if over 60 and have other conditions. Wish I had had it.

    And yes I am building some faith in the Tikosyn. It has been the aflutter that seems to have been my major issue, going high andvery long. Tikosyn seems to be a good fix for that. Doesn’t work well on my friend who has just afib and never runs long....and I mean over a week.

    watch getting overheated, and never dehydrated, and keep pedaling 😉. Pat

    • Posted

      Pat, I will get the shingles vaccine in August since my PCP advised to wait 2 months after the pneumonia vaccine she gave me this week. My pharmacy has it available so no problem with shortages here.

      Happy to hear your Tikosyn success story...I’m keeping my fingers crossed for both of us that it continues to keep us in NSR like others who have been on it for years!

      Meanwhile, yes, I will keep pedaling and stay well hydrated in this sometimes oppressive Florida heat!

      Keep smiling,


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