Weight loss

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When I had my last period 2 years ago I put on 1/2 stone literally overnight.i the last couple of weeks I have lost more then that.is this  normal.with this menopause lark I get confused by how many things happen to our bodies!!!

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8 Replies

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    I lost a bunch of weight. Almost 20 lbs. last Spring/Summer. Mostly from my stmach issues and then got depressed and barely ate anything. Was tested for everything. Nothing came up just slight gastritis issues. The Dr. told me to not take anceds, which I barely do take the. Only when I have a bad sings headache, which isn't too often. When I had explained my wrightloss to my PC and OBGYN they both said you don't lose weight from menopause. I think they are both very wrong though. I read about a few women on here including you that lost weight do was glad to know it is part of peri Now, knock on wood, I'm finally getting back to some normalcy with my weight. Gained almost half my weight back since July, but my arms and legs still seem small to me. I had to buy ine size snsllet in pants and tops. Most of my weight gain went to my stomach and butt. Like my weight just re-shifted. Mostly my arms and chest are smaller. Feel like I lost muscle mass in my arms so trying to work out more there, but seems much harder.

    Still struggling with myself overall. I still don't feel like I did last year. It's like someone took over my body & my mind and I just can't get it back. Just trying to cope with it every day by keeping my mind/body busy and take my vitamins B12 %D. so I don't end up where I was before. Last Spring/Summer was a nightmare for me. I was in a very bad place. Do not let this perimenopsuse get the best of you. Its like fighting an invisible cancer. Knowing it will be over at some point. Stay positive and busy.

    • Posted

      Wow I couldn't have put it better myself. An invisible cancer so extreme but a great description. I too have had and still have stomach issues in my perimenopause which im in in the eighth year of. ive lost lots of weight and it it also sent me inyo depression. Ive been in some very dark olaces at times. Went on AD mirtazapine last November and gained some weight back. Have naueas bloating and awful metallic taste in my mouth now so appetite is non existent. O dont know who I am anymore. On a lighter note on another thread in here one lively lady says shes been a year without a period and it is getting easier. Thank God. A light at the end of the tunnel.

      God bless x

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      Ooops sorry bout typos I dont have my glasses on lolsmile
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      Thanks Michelle. I actually feel comforted by your redksponse and some other gals on this forum going thtough the same experiences with the weight loss issues. It'd good to know others are experiencing the same thing. Wish our drs. knew what we all do. Should be separate dr . who just deal with this stuff. My obgyn isn't much help and she doesn't believe in HRT so dealing with it on my own.

      I will be so happy when this is all over. I so want to be myself again. Some dayscI wish I was a man. Would rather deal with low testosterone and saggy balls tgsn this crap.

      Good Luck Michelle and thank you!

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      Lol so funny I too would rather deal with saggy balls than the tons of symptoms peri brings. That did make me laugh smile
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    Everything did get easier after my periods stopped.its mainly anxiety and hot flushes now,but this weightloss is scaring me as my weight normally fluctuates by 3 or 4lb but so far I have lost 9lb for no reason.
  • Posted

    Due to gastits in peri yes i lost over a stone in weight, i think it was due to not being able to have certsin things, but now the weight has returned, in fact i feel i need to loose abit now! At the time i read weight gain in peri/meno was common so i felt stressed and worried why i was loosing weight! But the stomach issues in peri can obviously have this effect on us!

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