weight loss very slow

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I had a band fitted 16 weeks ago. I have lost 33 lb but most of that was before opp. I have had 4 fills now 5.7 mils. I can feel the restriction and I am eating a lot less and regurgitating a bit. But it does not feel like it's going. Getting a bit depress with it all. When I talk to the dietitian. Which may I say are very good.They do talk about dieting all the time. This is why I had it band fitted because I cannot diet. So if anyone as eny suggestions would be grateful many thanks pat

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    sadly the band does not aler what is in our head and that i s something we have to control ourselves - you will have heard it said that the band is just a tool to aid wgt loss and that is probs what the dietician means  when she refers to dieting - but i hate that word 'diet' cos it conjours up all kinds of nasty things from back in the day when i ate all kinds of daft things to help me lose wgt - congrats on losing those 33 lbs by the way - if you are regurgitating try eating a bit slower and make sure yur food is moist - dry foods like chops and roast meat are often the wrong texture for a bandster - something like a fishcake is a good texture cos its soft enough to go down but solid enough not to be a slider food and slip straight through - maybe if you do  food diary to show to the dietician this would help as she could pinpoint where you could improve or change - it is good to eat the protein first as this is what will keep you feeling fuller for longer then eat the veges and if you still have some space then a few carbs - you have done well to get 4 fills in just 16 wks but you could still have some way to go before you get to that ultimate level of restriction - when you are getting near though the smallest fill can make a big difference - it took me a yr to reach that stage so i would say its still quite early days for you but hope some of th eabove helps and good luck with everything. 
    • Posted

      Thank you very much for the advice. I think patience is the key but as my family no I don't have any lol i will try the diary many thanks
  • Posted

    I had my band fitted in January thus year, I've lost nearly 5 stone so far. The way I saw it was slow and steady progress. Protein first....3 small meals a day and plenty of water in between. You are doing well and the weight will come off. Exercise is so important too.

    Good luck on your journey

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      That's fantastic well done if you don't mind me asking how much did you have to lose. And when did it start to go how many fill did you have before it started work. Thank you for your reply. pat
    • Posted

      I was 20 stone 12 bmi of 47 and am 5 ft 6. Band started working straight away...I've got a 14ml band and the band is 6ml full so far. I had 1 ml in at the beginning, then went to 4.8 then 5.8 then 6ml. It's working well. I do feel sometimes that I haven't lost anything, but my clothes say otherwise. Went to clinic last time and was convinced I had lost maybe a pound or two.....got on the scales and was supprised at a 10lb loss. It took about 3 maybe 4 months for the weight loss to really show..but it's good now. I'm down from a size 26 to a size 18 and my goal is a size 14.
  • Posted

    Hi Pat

    i had my band fitted in March and have lost58 pounds so far. However I did not trust just the band. In addition I have been counting calories. I did not trust myself not too eat too much or eat a lot more calories. I got an app and have set it up to have1200 calories a day. I have been counting everything and have been very surprised about some of the foods. In addition I have been doing a lot of exercises as well. I know that when I had the band fitted the sergion said that I should expect to lose only 30% of the weight in the first year. So not sure if what I am going is correct but is working for me. Good luck!

    • Posted

      Wow well done that's fantastic. Yer i am going to try. I am eating so much less no coke / bread / chocolate / so I will have to look again at my food. Keep the good work going. Pat
  • Posted

     lost wgt steadily from the beginning though it was slower than i thought it would be and after a yr it did slow down - it took me approx 6 fills over the space of a yr to get full restriction infact i Overshot slightly and returned for a slight defill as i was getting reflux at night - but even when i didnt have that ultimate level of restriction i still lost gradually - but it is true that the band will not do the work - it will help you eat smaller portions and feel full on those small portions but it will not help what you put on your plate - its down to you to make those decisions

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