Weightless and loss muscle mass issues
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I have the normal stuff you ladies do, but I have weight loss issues and feel like I lost a lot of weight in my upper body arms and legs. Just my stomach and behind are still a little big. I have very fast bowels in the morning and in the evrnig, but I don't have oainscor constipation. Had Ct scan, colonoscopy, all kinds of blood work. Everything negative. The most I have is a little gastritis, but I have no pain. I almost feel like I have a weird disease or something wrong with my cortisol levels. Maybe a tumor on whatever affects all that. Some people call me lucky and I look good. I see nothing but I look odd now. I am about 206 but used to be 217 last year. Been struggling to get my weight bac, when most people say including my Dr. That I need to lose more weight. Trust me I'm not trying to lose this wright. I think it happens in my sleep. I take vitamin b12 and D and s probiotic to control my IBS I get sometimes. Just crazy.. That is my only worry. Is to get my weight back. Never thought I'd want my weight back but I do. How or why did my body change so drastically. How do I get it back. I eat everything fatty and high cal. Hungry often too. Almost like I have a parasite, but was already checked for that too. Nada...
Wish someone would tell me they have or had the same problems too. Maybe its not menopause. I just don't know anymore. I'm 50 years old and hate this already. So what's so great about getting older. I say nothing.
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Ruthie49 didi0613
I'm on thyroxine for low thyroid function but dose seems ok as blood tests are normal. I know an over-active thyroid can cause weight loss, have you had a blood test for that?
I can't digest too much fat so try to boost calories with carbs and squash. You can get high protein/calorie shakes for weight gain too but I can't tolerate them.
You're not alone though, while many women find weight gain a problem in menu, some definitely do struggle with weight loss.
didi0613 Ruthie49
terri52896 didi0613
I also have had weight lose , however , I never really had a weight issue but I did get a little plumped for what my body was in The past
Some days I do feel like i struggle to keep my upper body muscle on arms , chest , I do weight traind and have for many years but I really notice the difference I lost In 11months 8 pounds on a low estrogen day 6 on a high estrogen day ( water retention ) i really do not know my body anymore ! All blood work is fine even my thyroids , hopefully it will be over one day😁
didi0613 terri52896
pinkcatfairy didi0613
didi0613 pinkcatfairy
sheryl37154 didi0613
Also ask for your Iron studies/panels to be tested. And I don't mean just iron, it should included ferritin iron, serum iron, transferrin saturation %, and TIBC.
didi0613 sheryl37154
sheryl37154 didi0613
It should be a standard test but drs just don't bother doing it.
jo92050 didi0613
I am 54 and post meno now by 5 months. Can totally relate to what you are going through and how you feel. Just over 2 years ago my body went really haywire (up till then I didnt really suffer too many peri symptoms, few hot flushes and few little digestive issues, feeling off sometimes and headaches). Then it hit, the digestive issues got really bad, anxiety, bone, muscle and joint pain and so on, I lost about 25 kilos in 6 months, I was terrified and convinced I had something terminal wrong with me. After 5 months I finally gave in and went to the dr, had heaps of bloods done and everything was fine except my cholesteral was a little high and FSH was high. I didnt believe the bloods still thought there was something bad wrong as I looked like a walking skeleton but the closer I got to meno things started to change and I started to get my body used to food again, there was very little I could eat for about 1 year, now I can eat most things, will still get really bad gas from some foods, I stay away from most dairy though. Like you I was so worried that I would loose more weight and not put any on I hated looking at myself in the mirror. I did start to gain again and now struggling to keep my weight at a comfortable level. My arms, legs and other places have filled out and I do have muscle tone back again. I also ate high carbs and fatty foods when I could hoping it would put weight on but made no difference I still lost weight. Just seems that some people loose weight and some go the other way. No doubt once your hormones start settling you will start to gain some weight, could take a while though. As it seems you have had heaps of tests and they have found no reason for the weight loss, try not to get stressed about it cause the stress will probs help in the weight loss.
Take care
Jo xx
didi0613 jo92050
I'll just try to embrace my new thinner body and try to keep up my carbs and hope it comes back in a year or so. Definitely not throwing out my fat clothes. I do miss some of them.
Anyway thank you for the reassurance.