Weird bowel movement
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hi ladies i have this quation , i use to have constipation but since last year my bowel chANGED I GET bowel movement every day but some days the shape off my bowl is thin ,im worried thst i have problem in my colon ,does any one has the same problem ,and sorry for the discusting quation
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CarolKelso may69987
Hi May
I was only thinking the same ... the other day my stools were thinner and smaller and today back to normal.... lots of change in my bowel habit since the change and it has been a nightmare for me. Awful trapped wind last night I could not sleep so I am the same .....
I am wondering if I have other sinister things going on but the fact that is comes and goes makes me think it is more to do with my hormones than anything else.
Hope this helps in some way.
Guest may69987
Hi May, nothing is too disgusting! I was worried about this once too...of course when you google it says cancer if you have "pencil stools". I had a colonoscopy done in 2017 because I had GI issues, either constipated or cigar looking, lost weight, could not eat. All was clear...I have not noticed anything since.
jo67532 may69987
I was having a similar situation back in August. My stools were oddly shaped and on the thinner side although I wouldn't categorize them as pencil thin. It worried me, but I tried to ignore it until I started having what seemed like hemorrhoid issues. I ended up getting a colonoscopy and all was well. I did have a very small hemmorhoid and was prescribed fiber. I haven't had a problem since. Stools have been back to normal since taking the fiber.
sabab172 may69987
I think the menopause has a big impact on digestive issues. It certainly has for me and been my biggest debilitating symptom. I have had for over a year now digestive problems which is IBS which has been brought on my the peri-menopause. I'm currently having the big C tests on my bowel to eliminate my anxiety which is through the roof again because of the crappy lack of hormones... I have started a new HRT patch today as I came off about three weeks ago due to bleeding and breast pain problems. While on HRT my digestive problems improved by about 75%. In the last three weeks that I haven't been on HRT they have returned with a vengeance with toilet issues and colon spasms and stinging pains. Sick to the back teeth with it all and anyone who goes through this by having their periods stop and a couple of hot moments are extremely lucky indeed!
staci88515 may69987
March is colon cancer awareness month. My mother had changes in her bowel movements that she ignored for YEARS. She was diagnosed with colon cancer three years ago. I am never one to sound the alarm, but I feel obligated to tell anyone who has a change in their bowel movements to see a doctor.
thank u so much for the replaying it feels good to know im not the only one ,im going to try adding fiber to my diet ,and i will ask my doctor to send me for colonscopy just to be sure, but thanks alot i was so stressed about it
mary27278 may69987
Same with me..i be been having issues with digestion since the onset of peri. I've had colonoscopy in 2017 and endoscope . In between going back and forth to the GI doctors . Hormones can cause all sort of issues with the digestion.
elaine89520 mary27278
I'm having problems too & being sent for colonoscopy - so bloody scared- was yours ok ?
mary27278 elaine89520
Yes Elaine my colonoscopy was fine. She did find gastritis for the endoscope and a hiatal hernia in the esophagus. I had none of this until peri hit. I think the hh can be contributing to my digestion issue sometimes. Im going to see a chiropractor here who knows how to bring it back to place.
amanda59745 may69987
Hi May your not on your own i have experienced this also. I googled thin poos and yes it links it to cancer but, i started eating more fibre and no more thin poo. Hormones plays havoc on bowels. x
may69987 amanda59745
thanks amanda ،yes when i googled it i was so scared but after all the reply to my quetion i added fiber the last couple days to my diet and i already notice a diffrent today ,such relife thanks again
Keljo48 may69987
I have also had thin bowel movements in the past. It didn't last for me. I believe mine is related to diet and menopause. Also I have a very slow gallbladder that gives me digestive issues. My bowel movements definitely change with my diet. I have wind almost daily since I entered into peri. I haven't had a colonoscopy yet. It is definitely on my agenda to get. Just had my hormones checked. I am 51 next months and 17 months without a period. According to the call from my Dr's office my testosterone and Progesterone are normal and just a bit low. They were waiting for the results for my estrogen levels. WHAT? My FSH is 78 point something now. Last year it was 86.4 I want a copy of my results. I am calling today to see if I can pick it up. Not that I don't want to be normal, but when my body does things and all my test turn up normal? It makes me feel ...abnormal, insane, frustrated, depressed, worried etc. The million dollar question for most of us.. Is this hormone related or do I have something seriously wrong with me? Even when there are many who can relate, or somewhat relate there are others with a cautionary tale that leaves only one course...if in serious doubt get it checked out. Though that doesn't always get answers.
For example:
I have breast pain in my left breast that has been constant for about 3 days so far. I just had a diagnostic 3D mammogram that came back normal for pain in my right breast that lasted about two weeks. I had an ultrasound on order but apparently my mammogram was definitive (fatty breasts) so no need for the ultrasound, but it is standing if I continue to have issues. Now it is in my left breast. Really? I mean REALLY? I am post menopause and I still have issues.
Anyway, yes I have had about every stool imaginable. I refuse to google it, though I have googled other issues. I have been softly berated by many a lab tech and medical professional about google symptoms. If you continue to have thin stools then I would urge you to see a Dr. if at least to help calm your worry. If it is an occasional thing, then maybe look at what you are eating. Maybe add a little fiber and drink plenty of water to see if your stool changes.