Weird burning tongue? So much pain 😩
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If anyone has gone through this PLEASE HELP! May 3rd i was driving home from visiting my mom in the hospital (she was just diagnosed with breast cancer) i was under A LOT of stress... anyways, i was driving home and noticed a burning sensation in my mouth mostly on my tongue. The burning sensation got worse and wouldnt go away. It almost felt like i poured acid on my tongue or i burnt it? I went to see my doctor on the 11th and she prescribed me nystatin for oral thrush. The medicine did nothing but actually cause me oral thrush. The roof of my mouth swelled up and was extremely itchy but the burning tongue feeling went away. I stopped the nystatin after 10 days using it and went to see a dentist. The dentist prescribed me bacterial antibiotics and said it looks like some bacterial infection. I finished 7 days worth of meds and now after a week my tongue is on fire again. The roof of my mouth, my gums, and my tongue feel like theres a legit fire going on inside my mouth at all times. The tip of my tongue is red. When i fold my tongue in half to feel my tongue its tastes like acid or something? my throat burns a little as well. I have been gargling with salt water this whole time as well as baking soda/water rinse. It feels like i have hair or something at the back of my tongue all the time but nothings there. My taste buds seem to be enlarged at the back of my tongue and my tongue feels like sandpaper.
Please help!!! my doctor wont do anything and keeps telling me to wait it out. Im in so much pain that i barely eat anymore.
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jan34534 jacqueline93455
you might want to make an appointment with an ENT specialist (, ear nose and throat doctor) . They can evaluate the area. my Brother is an ENT and he treats anything related to the mouth and throat as well as the ears and nose.
but whatever medication you take, give it time to work. Sometimes they take a week to 10 days for full effect. i’m sorry for everything you are going through and hope everything works out well. Take care ❤
jacqueline93455 jan34534
hey! thanks for the advice. I talked to my doctor today and she is going to refer me to an ENT but unfortunately their waiting list is about 3 months right now. I can't imagine waiting another 3 months of this to be seen 😔 I have taken all the medication i was prescribed until it was gone and my symptoms just got worse. I am at such a loss. I even went to emergency and they tried to send me home without being seen. I'm at a loss and don't know what to do anymore. Its been 31 days now and the thought of having to wait another 90 days until im seen is unimaginable.
jan34534 jacqueline93455
can you check with your insurance to find other ENTs in your area? you shouldn’t have to wait that long! That’s crazy. hopefully you can find somebody else soon.
jacqueline93455 jan34534
I actually live in Canada we can't go through insurances to find doctors. We have to be referred by our family physician and it's up to them who we see. 😔 Wait times for any specialists are insane. I had to wait one year see a doctor in the anxiety clinic. Unless you're paying up front for doctors like therapists or psychologists (because those are not covered by our health care) then wait times are insane.
jan34534 jacqueline93455
oh wow! a year !sorry. I can understand that being very frustrating.I get frustrated when I have to wait a couple weeks. Hope you’re able to get some help as soon as possible. take care ❤