Weird colors, blurry or watery eyes with Menopause
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Has anyone experienced prism colors around the eyes, or stars or like your periphery is all grayed out and all you see is the center, along with blurry and watery eyes? I've been on occasion seeing like spot lights at the corner of my eyes. Is this just me being weird or does anyone else experience anythng similar. All started about a year ago, at the start of menopause.
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pinkcatfairy Sochima822
Sochima822 pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy Sochima822
didi0613 Sochima822
Yesterday my ear was hurting. Thought it was an ear infection starting, so I took some ibuprophin and it went away. Go figure.
Sochima822 didi0613
Yes, the ear problem comes and goes. All viral I suspect. I sometimes take Vitamin C and it cures it.
didi0613 Sochima822
Hang in there Patra
Sochima822 didi0613
Zigangie Sochima822
Maybe you should see an optician.
I had like aura you get if you've ever had migraine. I kept getting in my right eye outer corner and thinking I was going to get a headache soon.
Then several times what looked like moving chevrons. Then in the sun I would find myself putting my arm up to see properly. I kept thinking I should go to the optician but putting it off like you do.
Then I started getting irritated by lights that were to my right and having difficult driving at night. The headlights looked like long laser beams.
When I finally got to see the optician they take like a picture of your eye and she did the right one 4 times and when I saw it I was panic stricken it looked like something awful (lol menopause panic I think oh no it must be eye cancer).
I have a cataract. I've got used to it now but it drove me potty for a while.
Sochima822 Zigangie