Weird feeling
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Hi everyone does anybody feel like there in a bubble I mean like your body is here but your mind is completely off.
I'm also in perimenapause is this normal, and also your eye or eyes feel dry just a weird feeling
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juanita93228 jacqueline06286
FemaleBrain jacqueline06286
Hi Jaqueline, I have suffered from anxiety my entire life and perimenopause shot it through the roof. I read that the feeling you're describing is caused by the dissociation that is caused by anxiety....? It's the weirdest my mind is floating above my body everything is surreal and dream like.
lisa68384 jacqueline06286
Yes! So weird isn't it! I get it even with No anxiety. It's such a disturbing feeling. I try to look past it. I describe it as my perception being off somehow. Is it worse for you when up and moving around? When I'm sitting down it seems to be better. I took progestrone cream for one cycle and it actually went away for a few months. I came off so hormones could clear my system so I could came back. I also get weird symptoms in the eyes. And they get dry. We'll see what happens when my test results come back.
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
Hi, certainly! I think I mentioned it here sometime before. I feel as if I am in a glass jar. I see everything around me but feels like I can't hear, understand or touch what's going on around... disassociated! Very uncomfortable place to be...
jacqueline06286 ImagineOneDay
Mines comes and goes ,
Now I have the pain behind my right ear and neck it feels so weird I had an mri done yesterday waiting on results.
jacqueline06286 ImagineOneDay
Hi are you in perimenapause, I also feel like I'm sick but I'm not I just got my period but I feel weak fatigue just not my self can this be hormones
wendy161267 jacqueline06286
please keep us informed with your results.
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
ImagineOneDay jacqueline06286
tina00239 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 tina00239
Hi tina do you ever feel like you have weakness in your arms just feel sick but your not I'm in perimenapause but I feel sick I'm on my period just feel weak
tina00239 jacqueline06286
Oh yes hun, I feel like that most of the time! I'm lucky if I get 2 or 3 good days a month. That is why I agreed to the HRT so I can have some kind of life back. XXX
jacqueline06286 tina00239
tina00239 jacqueline06286
Looking back at things now, I believe I've been menopausing for around 7 years or so. I only really put 2 and 2 together in December last year, when the final hormone crash came and so did so many other obvious symptoms, that I realised what was going on. It was so extreme that my dr put me on HRT and vallium to help me through it. He would do anything to help me so I am blessed to have a dr like him on my side. Heres hoping this wont go on much longer. XXX