Weird feeling in my ovaries and constant pee peeing
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hello ladies !!!
would any of you ladies let me know if you having the same issue I had a pain in my ovaries after my period for a week now it's not as much as before it's like a weird sensation and I have to pee all the time would any of you ladies let me know if this is happening or happened to you before I am kind of worried and Googling it made me worse for obvious reasons I would really appreciate any replies thank you and have a blessed day!!!
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Guest marisol06794
Hi, I am constantly peeing while ovulating..,also ovary pain.,,especially on the left. For a few months, my cycle was 21-26 I would just finish a period, then start up ovulating, etc.
marisol06794 Guest
lou42662...thank you so much for your reply sorry to hear that you two are on this horrible roller coaster but it's good to know I'm not alone..I had pain the week before my period during my period and a week after my period and now this constantly going to the bathroom hopefully we'll get through this soon with God's help send you a big hug and lots of blessings!!!
amy341731 marisol06794
oh yes! I have never had a lot of pain or cramps with my period and then last year (at age 46) I started having a lot of cramps and the weird "twinges" in my ovary (mostly left) and it can get painful for a couple days..It is nerve wracking and I also googled waaaayyyy too much which doesnt help! But I had my annual pap smear and all was ok so im giving up Googling and trying to relax. I Take ibuprofen and try to relax and use a heating pad for the cramps and pain and that seems to help. Then it subsides and I stop worrying about it LOL. Take care and don’t hesitate to reach out to someone is always here.
marisol06794 amy341731
hello amy341731... thank you for sharing with me sorry you are going through this but it's good to know I'm not alone I know exactly how you feel I just turned 47 and I've been going through this for 5 years now it's horrible I've gotten all the 66 symptoms and more it's just one thing after the other I will try the heating pad to see if it works for me thank you once again it's good to have somebody to talk to hopefully this will pass soon God bless!!!
amy341731 marisol06794
Reach out anytime! It is crazy how I had no idea there were SO many symptoms, all related to hormones! No one told me about all this so im so happy I found you all! God Bless you too! ❤
michelle51519 marisol06794
I am 48 been going through peri for a few Years . I only have 1 of my ovaries Left side lost my other one to a cyst when I was 25 it took over my ovary and tube so had to have it removed but I am still Hormonal hell . Every month is something New . I have had the same after my period Bloating and a sensation of having pee a lot more and almost feels like I have a uti coming so annoying . also Have aches and pains and some Months I have Anxiety Attacks always when I trying to fall a sleep . Heart Palps or achy arm pits and Groin . Moody or Angry feeling . This year has been fun with Hot Flashes so awful and Being wide awake when I go to bed . So much fun lol Not . I have asked my Dr about all these feelings she said it is all normal . She wanted to give me a sleeping pill and I take zanax on occasion it helps at night to sleep if I am having a hard month . I take a lot vitos they help so much . Iron and magnesium fish pill and multi and I also take zinc and B complex and Turmeric . Water helps also . This Group has helped me a lot . Knowing I am not alone with the odd symptoms . Hope you are feeling better and sounds like the same as what I have been going through . ❤️
marisol06794 michelle51519
Hello Michelle...
sorry to hear that you went through that at such a young age it is so hard to cope with all of this I like you have had so many different symptoms I had a tubal cyst removed 5 years ago and ever since then it has been pure hell at the beginning I ended up in the ER around three times with tightness in my chest and shortness of breath they did every exam known to mankind and thank God everything was okay after that I just kept going down and down never ending roller coaster hot flashes dizziness fatigue memory loss brain fog joint pains nausea headaches heart palpitations you name it I got it and now digestive problems I feel so bloated at times but this is something new that I never got before I would get pain a week before my period while on my period but nothing lasted so long after my period it is so frustrating feeling so sick all the time I really hope this is over soon for us I miss my old self and enjoying my life I'm so exhausted at times I don't even want to do anything or go anywhere or bother with anybody I am so grateful with this forum and that I can talk to you guys since I have nobody to talk to because none of my family members have gone through what I'm going through right now so they can't really understand what I'm going through thank you so much for listening to me I really do hope you feel better soon God bless!!!
I hope you Feel Better also . I found Getting a Massage once in awhile helps also and also Yoga I like warm yoga very relaxing . I go at my own pace some women are stretchy not me I take my time . I feel like every month is something new not always fun but I plug along being a mom and wife and all we have to do . Hugs and God Bless also and I am also glad for this site . Nice knowing I am not alone . ❤️ To all Michelle
sharcerv52408 marisol06794
How soon after your period is it? If it's anywhere from 4-7 days after your period then it may be ovulation pain. I can always feel it in my ovary when I'm ovulating. It is also normal to have a lot of gas and pressure around this time which could be putting extra pressure on your bladder causing you to either pee a lot or feel the urge to pee. I get this too sometimes but if the pain is intolerable then I would have it checked out. Hope this helps.
evi75119 sharcerv52408
Yes, you are right...I also believe that it seems like ovulation pain and the ovaries are trying hard to release follicles.
I have noticed that the only time I have sexual desire are on day 3 of my cycle and till 10 and can feel these kind pains.
There are specific time of my cycle when during night I have to wake up in order to pee
sharcerv52408 evi75119
Yes sounds like ovulation to me. Usually ibuprofen will alleviate the pain. Yeah I feel more of a need for sex during this time and an increased urge to pee also. What you're feeling is totally normal.
CarolKelso marisol06794
hi mario
this at times is a nitemare for me and so glad you posted this...better not to google as comes up with all sorts...
i get urgent need to go with not alot of pee .....i get awful neasea too with it and headaches...
you are not alone ...
Livvvy marisol06794
I have not had a period for about 2 years and within the 2 years I have had the weirdest sensation in what I think is my ovaries. It's like they are being squeezed like prunes and something is flushing out of them. It takes my breath away...strange.