Weird Feelings
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I had my annual physical today with a new GP, that alone made me anxious. While in the waiting area I started getting that anxiety attack feeling. It affected my bp. Lately I get anxious when I go to the doctor and it makes my bp elevated. I have what the medical world calls "white coat syndrome" which is when someone's bp is elevated only at the doctors office but can be normal otherwise. Mine was 160/92 at this visit. I am currently on Losartan for bp issues but do not feel it is working and asked the doctor to switch it and she said that Losartan alone was not enough and she added Norvasc at 5mg. We'll see how that works out. Lol! I told her the Losartan gave me heartburn and that my GI doctor put me on Omeprazole at 20mg but that it didn't seem to be helping me anymore. So she increased that to 40mg instead of the 20mg that I was on. We'll see how that works. I fasted for this appointment because I thought they would draw blood for lab tests but the lab tech was out today so they said I have to come back.
When I got home I started feeling weird symptoms. My legs felt funny like really weak. I was walking but they didn't feel like they were my legs if that makes any sense. My neck hurt a little and I felt like when I tried to talk my tongue was a little stiff like I was slow of speech. It was weird. After I ate something I took my Losartan and waited half an hour. Then I checked my bp which was 140/78. I guess all of these weird symptoms was anxiety mixed with the elevated bp and the fact that I had not eaten that morning. Plus, I'm due to see my period in 5 or 6 days.
When I go back for my blood work, I am going to have them check my glucose level. The new doctor asked if I was on an SSI for anxiety and I told her I had tried Paxil and Zoloft neither of which worked out right for me and that I'd follow up with my GYN next week when I go to see her for my annual pap. Let's hope she is competent enough to help me with these symptoms. She is going to be a new doctor as well.
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susan47122 sharcerv52408
You should have eaten this morning that could have a lot to do with it. I'm on losartan too it helps but I need something to bring down the blood pressure and heart rate when it is high and I have tried Metropolol, carvidelol and cardisim they all made me sick to my stomach and gave me really bad symtoms.
I use to be on Zoloft myself that gave me trouble sleeping and the celexa gave me a rash. I am on trazodone at bedtime. I understand what you are going through
sharcerv52408 susan47122
susan47122 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 susan47122