Weird feelings during periods

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For all of you ladies that are still having periods do you still feel weird and off during the that time? My period came a little early this time, but I still very weird. Just wondering if anyone else has expierenced this.

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11 Replies

  • Posted period is due this week and i get spacey and a wound up feeling just before...also very fatigued. I can't wait until mine is finished! I have had period for 37 years now and dealing with peri now....soooo over it sad
    • Posted

      That's how I feel. I been having cycles since I was 10 years old, I'm 38 now. I will not be mad once it goes away for good.
  • Posted

    Yes I definitely get all those Jamie and am right in the thick of it as I write. It really affects my confidence lately too! On better days I can talk myself through it but when it's bad I'm usually in a right state and struggle to get by.

    Out of the whole month I generally have 2 weeks were I feel normal ish other than that I feel weird/tired/anxious/spaced out/irritable and experiencing water retention/heart palpitations/ hot and chilly flashes and so on.

    I must be such a joy to be around sometimes 😂

    Big hugs xxx

    • Posted

      I feel the same way. I get a good two weeks of feeling ok then its back to feeling sick. It's hard to believe some times that it's hormones even though I know it is. I'm scared to move along in my relationship because I don't want my partner always thinking I'm sick or something is wrong with me. We can't go on dates because Im nervous of how im going to feel. I just feel so robbed of my once happy go lucky self.
  • Posted

    I know exactly what you mean and am suffering with this right now!  Having had a hysterectomy 5 months ago with ovaries left in I find it hard to track where I am in my cycle, especially since before my hysterectomy my periods would be anywhere from 2-5 months apart.  I'm not taking hormone replacements so I just live day to day and deal with the symptoms as they come.  The past 3 days I've been so tired...its exhausting just to get up and walk around.  I'm not sleepy tired, more like full body exhaustion.  The tiredness is less today but now I have that spacey head, lightheaded feeling and it feels like my head/scalp gets a tingly feeling at times.  My vision also feels just slightly out of focus too and I feel what I describe as "shaky inside" which I guess is due to anxiety.   I've had each one of these symptoms before so I know they will go away for a while and I will feel almost normal for about a week or two and then the cycle will repeat itself...grrrrrr.  My poor husband is so patient, although I'm sure he must be tired of listening to me complain about my hormone problems!
    • Posted

      That's how I feel also. I had the weird head pressure and eyes feeling a little out of focus today. I will I'm under a blanket because I'm freezing when normally I'm hotter than a firecracker. I've been feeling that interns shaking upon waking up for the last week. The sensations will go away but I know they are coming back. Its all so frustrating.
    • Posted

      We just have to get through this one day at a time and wait patiently for these hormone changes to be finished.....hopefully soon. 🙂

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