Weird flutter and palpation
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can any of you lovely ladies tell me if you've been having trouble with palpitations and fluttering and does it have any connection with your stomach issues the reason I asked about the connection is because I noticed that I ate chocolate mousse the other night and it made me very sick to my stomach and I had acid reflux after that and a very bloated stomach I noticed that when I went to sleep I started getting palpitations and fluttering and it only happens to me when I'm trying to sleep it also happened yesterday when I got a call from my gynecologist with my mammogram results before him even saying anything my heart started racing out of control it's been happening 3 days now when I try to go to sleep at night can this be just another of the wonderful symptoms of menopause any feedback will be greatly appreciated thank you and God bless!!!
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rhonda86833 marisol06794
I believe my heart palps and stomach issues are related to a point. I do have some palps when I'm not having reflux or stomach issues, but I believe the palps are exacerbated by my gut. I believe it's all connected to the vagus nerve. If you google vagus nerve and heart palps and gut issues, you will see lots of people noticing a connection. I try to stimulate the vagus nerve with deep breathing when I have this problem and I take a essential ois that calm my gut issues. I also take a daily probiotic.
rebecca04408 marisol06794
I have this such a lot it feel a like it us related to like indigestion like I want to belch very strange. My heart races and flutters when under stress also xx
clairer1972 marisol06794
oh yes, suffer with extreme anxiety wakes me in the middle of the night. i wish i knew what triggers the attacks. HRT has helped me
DearDoe marisol06794
Chocolate has caffeine which can bring on or exacerbate heart palps. i do notice anxiety and bloating can do the same thing. like above I believe its all tied to the vegas nerve also.
sharcerv52408 marisol06794
I am so glad you posted this! I get these fluttering sensations in my chest and I just posted the same thing the other day. My GP said that it sounded more like it was from the stomach too. Of course I had her do an EKG just to make sure and it was normal. I have heard about the vagus nerve being responsible. I am just glad to know that I wasn't the only one feeling this odd sensation, although every time I get it the mind wants to think something is wrong.
rebecca_68782 marisol06794
I am having them a lot this week. They do come more often when my gut is off. I did not Sleep last Sunday because of them and again tonight. I have been taking a low dose of beta blockers for a couple of weeks when they are really bothersome. I also take Hawthorne and Motherwort. My doctor also talked to me about vagus nerve connection. I just hope they stop soon. Good Luck.