Weird head
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ive posted about this before but didnt get a reply. I have very weird head sensations. Its like pressure in my hesd and ears, as if my ears are going to pop but they dont just constant pressure. This feeling had started keeping me up at night. I can drift off too sleep then im woke up with this pressure feeling and i start to feel dizzy sometimes too and my heart is racing. I dont understand this because i had really bad health anxiety since christmas there but ive managed to keep it under control and i dont find myself worry at all now, just passing things off. This isnt worry me, just really annoying and exhausting. Wondering if anyone has had the same???
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jan34534 meghan49196
sometimes anxiety symptoms can just pop up even if we don’t feel anxious. A person can have a past history of anxiety and then months later they can get symptoms such as what you are getting.
The head pressure, ear pressure, dizziness, are very common with anxiety even if you don’t feel anxious at this time. I recently have gone through the head pressure and dizziness. Felt like my head was in a clamp, buzzing and ringing in my ear,.
. I don’t get overly worried about it because I have a long history of anxiety.
just follow up with your doctor if it doesn’t go away. Are you taking any medication‘s for anxiety?
meghan49196 jan34534
thanks for replying. Does this ever wake you up out of a sleep? Not everynight. Does your eye pressure feel like something is pulling in? I have spoke to doctor, doesnt seem too concerned and had my eyes tested etc. I have propranonol and setraline but dont take any of them as im managing to cope with my anxiety, just wasnt sure this feeling was normal .. and at its worst through the night