Weird head pressure, severe tension headache and jaw pain
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I have had crazy symptoms of peri since last 18 months. Some come and go but some just never take a break. My headaches are one of the worst symptoms... lately I wake up with jaw tightness, head pressure and headaches. I wear a mouthguard that my dentist made because he said I clench or grind my teeth. I don't see much difference in my symptoms.Is anyone else suffering daily tension headaches with head and neck pain and head/ear pressure? what do you take to help your symptoms? I tried pain meds, they're not much help. My periods were regular but last 2 months it's irregular.
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shannonmairs7 ampat1
You have just described my life, sadly. Add in horribly tight and painful neck, shoulders, and back. That nothing seems to touch. Mine has gotten better, finally a little. I am almost three years post. Hang in there!!
kathy55991 ampat1
This is me today. The pain in my jaw and neck feels like there is fluid in the joints, and the sides of my neck. I had a ct scan last year to rule out sinus infection and my Dr. prescribed steroid nasal spray that had helped with the sinus pain and head pressure. I am 52 and have had the majority of symptoms on that long list. Never had any idea that hormones could wreak such havoc!
lisa34985 ampat1
Hi I feel for you there are so many different symptoms that everybody experiences,like you I get dull headaches but I had a lot of symptoms about 10 months ago nausea, gurgling tummy, diarrhoea felt lethargic I thought I had a reoccurring bug which went on for a good year then started to feel better only for the past six weeks it's all returned again but added to it it now I've got the hot sweats which are awful l literally feel like I'm burning and sweating which I've never done there just seems to be no end to it I'm seriously considering going to doctors to ask if I can try hrt as can't put up with feeling awful all the time! Any advice welcomed.
Lisaippie ampat1
you have described my life also! teeth grinding tension headaches jaw pain teeth sensitivity from clenching! I SWEAR I HAVE BEEN IN THE DENTIST chair more than anytime in my life the past year and getting a new night guard made next month i hope it helps cause LORD NOTHING ELSE HAS .Between the paranoia and anxiety and panic attacks and my teeth issues i feel im going nuts!
menapause is no joke! THIS has not been fun at all
Guest ampat1
I am so sorry that this is happening to you too. I have had the same symptoms as you, which are not often recognised as being peri or menopausal symptoms, all of the doctors and specialists around here won't diagnose it as peri unless you're having hot flushes! I don't have those but I have so many others. My worst ones are the head pressure, pain around my eye, jaw and teeth pain, tension headaches, sore and heavy eyes, neck pain. These ones are my constant symptoms and have been diagnosed as Chronic migraine by Neurologists (I have never had migraines or headaches until I turned 41 which was 3 years ago) Then I also occasionally suffer from tingling, burning tongue, body aches and pains, irregular periods, spotting, dizziness, fatigue, weight gain, lack of motivation, brain fog, terrible memory, off balance, hair loss, oily hair, insomnia, mood swings, terrible anxiety, low libido and I could go on and on. I have been to specialists and had lots of tests, including brain and spine MRI's and CT's, but nothing shows up. At one point they thought it was sinuses, but a sinus CT ruled that out, then they thought MS, but the MRI's and eye testing ruled that out. It has been nearly 3 years of this and I am not seeing light at the end of the tunnel. I keep worrying that it must be some disease that the doctors just haven't found yet...that's the health anxiety creeping in! As much as I hate that others on this forum are going through this too, it does offer me some comfort as none of my friends or family are dealing with this. People around me just think that I should be better by now, I wish that I was...
ampat1 Guest
Thank you Jenjen75. I can relate to you about all the countless dr visits and CT scans and blood tests. I have been reading your posts, I have most of the symptoms you have. I feel the same way when I see people around me walking around perfectly healthy and happy. I just turned 40 but feel like I am in 60s. When I talk about my symptoms they look at me like what are you talking about, they have no clue what Peri can do to our body and mind and how much it can affect our daily life. I just cry to myself and keep my mouth shut now. I pray we all find our healthy self back and live a healthy happy life.
sara97862 ampat1
Hi Ampat1, YES!!
I too have headaches, almost daily now. And have had unpredictable periods for about a year now.
I know I am clenching at night, and also when any stress happens during the day (which is basically every 5 minutes... work full time at a demanding job; wife; mother of middle schooler; daughter; sister; friend).
Sitting in a quiet house with no lights on in my jammies listening to it rain outside helps a lot with this. If only I could do that all day every day.
Also just in the past 6 weeks, muscles all over my back and pelvic floor are prone to spasm and I feel like all my ligaments and tendons are shrinking, pulling on every part of my body.
At night before bed I take Magnesium, and it lets me sleep pretty well until I wake up in a panic around 5 am.
I am undergoing physical therapy for the back issues, and the therapist confirms, yes, I am very tight in my hips, back, shoulders and neck. so far I do think it's helping. They have given me good tips on how to stretch at home.
I also have thrown in the towel and ordered some bioidentical estrogen cream... it should be hear later this week. Will let you know if it helps with this particular set of issues.
ampat1 sara97862
Thank you Sara97862. I feel my muscles all over the body are tight, I also get random muscle spasms. I tried chiro, didn't like it. I try to exercise but I work full-time as well and two young kids, KG and 3rd grade so it's next to impossible. My health was perfectly fine up until 18 months ago, it crashed in matter of 3-4 days, I still wonder what the heck happened overnight. Where did you purchase bioidentical estrogen cream from? please let me know how it works out for you? I feel I'm in desperate need for help, anything that works. I tried magnesium but it didn't suit my stomach so I had to stop. Thank you again for sharing your peri experience. I feels better to
sara97862 ampat1
I can't believe I could do this (but glad I can, as I am at wits end), but I ordered the cream off Amazon. No prescription needed. I made sure to order one marked "USP" which means the dosage is supposed to be standardized and quality-controlled.
I have to research a bit how to cycle it with progesterone, since I do still have periods every now and then.
I have made an appt to just make my gyno aware of what I'm doing, since she suggested the BC patch to start, and it DID NOT agree with me.
I can relate to your story so much... my health was great 6 weeks ago. Had good energy, was working on projects in my house, doing some deep cleaning, after the full days' work and dinner and family stuff. Hurt my back, but not catastrophically I didn't think... a couple days later I crashed hard, and haven't been the same since. More symptoms all over than I have ever had in my life. Pain like I have never had since having my C-section 12 years ago, but Drs can't find any reason for it. Therefore reluctant to prescribe anything to help except anti inflammatories, which don't agree with my digestion.
Headaches every day instead of just midcycle and at period.
Will keep you posted.
sunaina1983 ampat1
Helloooo my dear
me too facing same symptoms from last year
other symptoms come and go but head Pressure and headache is constant.
me too searching for its solution but didnot get any remedy yet.
Fed up with this now...Feel sad and frustrated ...Donot know when all this be over.ðŸ˜
every day tell my self its hormones..will be ok one day..but next day lose patience and ask WHEN..then i have no ans and i feel depressed.
Friends of my age r enjoying life .....they have no symptoms..doing parties and picnics .called me i always say no.....i know every one different but they donot understand me..told me u become introvert...earlier i was fun loving person but now i donot want to go out .always want to be in my den life fully change...Become home bound because of head pressure and off balance life fully change..left my job..ðŸ˜
I want to be old me again .
Hang is there dear.
karen65574 ampat1
Hi , yes me as well the headaches are constant and left side neck pain is so painful , weird thoughts dizzy , fatigue the list is endless , cant enjoy anything anymore !!! anxiety high , am 52 and still have menses , wake up some nights drenched in sweat !!! been going on for about 4 years now , will it ever end !!!!
Thank you all wonderful ladies, having your support definitely helps ease my mind. I know I am not alone in this but I pray and wish none of us had to go through this. hugs to you