Weird head sensation and body for 3 years
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hello , so i would like to make this post since I’m having constant symptoms almost daily except when I’m sleeping, back in 2007 I experience this head rush for a few times that put me into the emergency room thinking something was happening after a few tests being done everything was good and I was referring to neurologist I had MRI done bunch of bloodwork I’ve seen ENT they also checked me for a vestibular disorder everything came up negative I even went to see a rheumatologist and everything was OK long story short I’ve been getting daily Weird Head and body symptoms like pins and needles I feel like I’m going to faint but I’m not then I have this stomach sensation maybe it’s from the anxiety like I’m afraid all the time from the symptoms after all tests were done they told me it’s panic attacks and anxiety I’m having a hard to believe and I always think it’s something else also my ears feel plugged in sometimes my vision is blurry and then it gets back to normal I’ve been checked also by eye doctor and everything was fine I was just wondering if anyone experience similar stuff seems like if I think positive I’m OK for a half a day and then if something happens I go right back to the same feeling like if I feel somethings not right , sometimes i also when sitting and watching TV I get the same sensation really hard to explain it’s like a dropping sensation and then I get all nervous and I believe a panic attack comes in '
I’m hoping somebody can give me an answer how to cope with this.
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jan34534 george54421
I am so sorry you are going through this George. You are one of millions of people including myself, who suffer with anxiety related sensations. The fainty sensation, plugged ears, blurry vision, etc. are very common!
I have had all your symptoms and so have many many people on this site. we all can relate to you. One thing to remember is that any symptoms related to anxiety and stress are not harmful even though they feel weird and scary.
It’s really not so much the symptoms that are the problem but managing the anxiety is really the important thing. if the anxiety can be somewhat managed, the symptoms will lessen.
think about what in your life may be causing your anxiety. Work? School? Family? Relationships?
Its important to have some kind of support for this because it’s too difficult to try to manage alone. Other people have ideas on how to manage it, especially a counselor. I do this once a week virtually and it works great. just talking about life issues can help decrease anxiety a lot.
When you start to feel a little panicky, there are great talk down on YouTube. They talk to you while you feel like that and tell you what to do and how to breathe etc. they work great. The one I like is called don’t panic in black bold letters.
I really hope you get some support for this. Take one day at a time. Every now and then do some long slow deep breathing. Some days may be better than others but hang in there. ❤
george54421 jan34534
thanks for the reply , to be honest i have no clue why i feel like this , we had a newborn a year ago i was very happy and excited but the symptoms are still there , my job is pretty hectic at times , its just i can't shake this feeling off its soooo hard , when i feel something is off i start to have all kind of sensations , i always think that the dr missed something or i have some disease
jan34534 george54421
it’s very common to think that the doctor missed something. I’ve done that myself and many people on here have also. I know it’s extremely difficult!anxiety can be genetic and have a biological basis. . It can show up whenever. The younger a person is when they get anxiety, the more chance that it is genetic.
for others, life events can cause anxiety and depression.
a person doesn’t have to feel anxious to have anxiety sensations. Anxiety is often underlying without somebody knowing it. I hope you’re able to get some support for this! take care
nathanh8 george54421
i went through the exact same! the drop sensation was horrifying and also triggered panic attacks... infact i think the sensation is like the start of a panic attack? it's weird