Weird head sensations headaches pressure
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Hi, I've been having terrible headaches. Shooting pains and general weirdness in my head.. Not spinning dizzy but hard to explain fuzzy falling sensations slight vertigo can anyone recommend anything to alleviate symptoms! I'm quite sensitive to meds DRs tried me on Anti Ds but I can't take them.. I've wrote recently about my long list of symptoms but this is the worst to bear along with feeling faint ! Anyone recommend anything xx
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wen06862 nixnix
They started about 6 months into her menpause (she got them every few weeks) and lasted for about 8 years (they tailed off to 3 a year by the end)
She was on so many meds that she didn't want to take any more.
I have a similar thing but it's hard to tell if it's my Meniere's playing up - I get that slight movement feeling with that anyway inbetween violent spins, or if it's a symptom of my migraines.
There are anti migraine meds that you can take everyday to try to prevent attacks but they didn't work with me and I felt worse while taking them.
Problem is the vertigo can be caused by so many things and 9 times out of 10 the doctors get it wrong.
I wrote down all my symptoms in a daily diary along with food notes, what I did etc. and realised that mine were made worse by eating artificial sweeteners.
You could try an energy boost drink, it could be you are low on energy (the rest of the menopause symptoms we have are enough to floor me!) and it may help.
It may be best to see your doc, just in case there is another problem.
Take care
nixnix wen06862
helen95781 nixnix
You are definitely not on your own in this hun. I regularly get shooting pains in my head and dizzy too. Yesterday I had a weird feeling of (the only way I can explain it) walking to the right! I even said to my hubby " has my face dropped on the right?" Thought I might of had a stroke. I know I was being silly but I get so fed up of walking around dizzy.
I know it is part of peri and I'm sure that's the same for you too.
The shooting pains I put down to peri and stress for myself and even though I don't know you or your circumstances this may be the same.
I think we just have to accept that this is an awful stage of life but we will come through it.
Big hugs to you.
Keep fighting the fight.
Helen. x
Sandy07 nixnix
Scampi18 nixnix
I had all the symptoms you are experiencing, collasped on bathroom floor in sept 2014 could not find my way, my eyes were darting everywhere and I could not stand up, I crawled to the upstairs phone and called 999, said it was a panic attack, ? Visited my gp who could see fluid in my ears, prescribed betahistamine and said she thought Ménière's, was refered to ent thought it was labrinthytus, sent for balance test feb 2015 I got something called BPPV which is benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, calcium crystals in the labrinth caused by either infection or a bump to the head I unfortunately had both, I have continuous buzzing ringing hammering in my ears drunken feeling, pressure over my eyes and sinus problems, I have to go back and have my head manipulated to move the crystals, fingers crossed that it works, it keeps me awake most nights, I don't have any answers as to how to help this as yet, I'm hoping they do the manuvere soon and I hope it works.
good luck try not to worry, keep going back to gp. 😊