Weird pain in neck and head
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I've had tightness in the right of my neck for a few months now. The severity seems to vary, sometimes my shoulder aches, other times I get shooting pains from the base of my skull upwards. Also it sometimes feels like there is something actually in my skull if that makes sense? Like a swelling or something, or that when I swallow I can feel something actuslly in my neck. Other symptoms include discomfort in my palette which has let me to make a strange clicking sound in my throat which happens when I move the back of my throat to try to relieve the discomfort. When it feels like something is actually in my head, I also get discomfort in my ear, especially when I move my head in certain angles. I also experience head pressure and occasional dizziness. I've been trying to believe it's just a tight neck muscle, but it's all quite worrying really. My doctor has offered me a neck MRI but as my symptoms seem to be right at the base of my skull I'm not sure if this will help much. Does anyone else experience similar things to me?
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maureen_65564 Tigerlily84
The only reason I know this might be it is because I've had exactly the same symptoms going on!
Mine has improved tremendously by having it adjusted by a GOOD Chiropractor!
It took some time and diligence but it's much better!
(Have you tried a chiropractor? )
manda08392 Tigerlily84
manda08392 Tigerlily84
I have only ever seen the one chiropractor but I was very nervous about it and met with him three times before I actually allowed an adjustment and he was very patient with me but you will hear horror stories out there of bad chiropractors so be careful to do your homework.
If you decide a chiropractor isn't for you, you could stick with massage therapy but it will take longer so don't get discouraged when it's a month in and you're not cured, you will probably see a decrease in frequency by that point.
charlotte1824 Tigerlily84
Unfortunately I never did find out the cause of mine.
I didnt find relief with chiropractor or physical therapist but you could try although I think chirp might make things worse. Did for me.
My MRI showed dehydration of th c5/c6 and a pineal cyst in my brain, they said both were normal occurrences.
I get massive pressure what feels like under my ears and they also get wet inside at times but dr says ears look ok, some days pressure is in my naso pharynx area too.
I've never worked out if it is a wierd type of neck pain or a strange migraine or 1 of the million other things I've thought it could be.
jojo29381 charlotte1824
RosePR01 Tigerlily84
I just started feeling this way out of the blue it randomly hit me three days ago. I haven't experienced the ear discomfort thought, but my neck started hurting from the middle of no where and it started to hurt when i would move my neck and now i can barely get up without the compolsing in my head that feels like something is in my skull if you find anything that can help will you let me know because pain medicine is not working.
Risbys Tigerlily84
I suffered and was off work for 6 months after terrible neck burning pain headaches and migraines. My neck felt like it couldn't hold my head up properly and when I went over a bump in a car or bent over I literally felt like my head would roll off! My muscles seemed to be working too hard and spasming. My throat was so tight I often could hardly speak Chiropractic and physio and acupuncture worked a little but gradually got worse and thought I would never work again.
Found prolotherapy on American sites caring medical explanation was the best and found blackberry clinic UK to help me. Took full 8 weeks to start working and I am so much better. I still had muscle spasms in top of my back and shoulders and have had trigger point injections a few times now and also nerve blocks in neck. Still in pain but can live my life and work now.
I hope this helps someone. Please don't give up and keep pushing and researching. I was ridiculed for looking on forums and Google as I couldn't get any answers from neurologists and doctors after MRI scans etc but I managed to self diagnose and get the right help! Good luck !