Weird pressure by my upper abdomen

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Hi everyone, 

I need some help cause I don't know what to do anymore. My symptoms started over a year ago. It all began with this feeling of something being stuck under my right rib cage. It was this dull feeling that wouldn't go away. I went to my GP and she ordered an ultrasound. Apparently my right kidney, liver and gallbladder looked fine, but she figured that I should get a HYDA scan to make sure my gallbladder was still working. I got it done and it said  it was working at 62% which she said was ok. Right after that though, I began to get this new feeling around the middle of my upper abdomen two or three inches below my chest. It feels like heaviness or pressure, especially when I'm sitting or lying down. It's usually accompanied by the dull pain under my right rib. I was kinda massaging the area yesterday and I felt like there's some kind of growth that seems to be around one inch. It's not painful, but it feels weird, somewhat ticklish but not exactly. I can't really describe the sensation. This feeling of heaviness seems to be getting worse, but it is not accompanied by nausea, feeling of fullness or lack of appetite. It's just this weird pressure and it also feels somewhat tight as well. Anyone know what this could be? At the beginning of the year I went through a bunch of tests, a surgery, and countless visits to doctors including the gall bladder problem and did not get any answers to my problems, so before I go back yet again to get a bunch of tests that may not yield answers, I want to get y'alls opinion, so I can nudge my GP in the right direction.  for reference I'm 32, female, not very active right now and weigh 165 lbs. 

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi i hav similar on my left side did all my test an they were perfect. U r young i suggest to hang in there an stay on top of things.
    • Posted

      Thank you. I'm just stumped because I've never had any health issues and for the past two years it's been one thing after another. Have the doctors given you any suggestions? Have you had your spine checked?

  • Posted

    When you say under your rib cage do you mean below or behind?
    • Posted

      Actually both. More so below, but when driving for long periods of time I also feel it behind. 
    • Posted

      Do you get any palpitations or trouble taking in a deep breath?
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      Not at all. I don't really have any other symptoms aside from the pressure/heaviness a couple of inches below my chest and the dull annoyance below my rib cage.  

    • Posted

      No. Just a chest x ray, HYDA scan and an ultrasound. Do you have any inclination as to what could  be wrong? Thanks for your input by the way. 
    • Posted

      Well I was thinking it could be a lung thing but you don’t have any problems with your breathing. Then I thought maybe an injury but I don’t get what the growth might be. Is that on or under or behind your ribs? If you haven’t already, you need to show that to a doctor.
    • Posted

      The little growth is a little bit under the fat  close to my skin but not by my ribs,  maybe 3 inches above my belly button. Now that I think about it I did mention it to my doctor and if I remember correctly she kinda brushed me off and said it could be a lipoma. I've been googling my symptoms, and can't find anything except for liver cancer which I'm almost certain I don't have because I don't have any of the other symptoms except for the upper abdomen discomfort, and I had an ultrasound of the area barely six months ago, and they said my liver looked "perfect". 

  • Posted

    Heres the fact behind why people get sick and die. All around us there are vibrations and when muscle tissue vibrates it causes friction between the cells now the body cells need lubrication in order to stay normal, liquid does this job. Now one would say water does the job, but thats wrong osmosis occurs in the body and some parts lack liquid lubrication. If cells rub against eachother too much blisters are formed. now the heart muscle is the one which works the most, heart ...attacks occur because of friction without lubrication. women develop lumps in their breasts because of the heartbeat, they are close to the heartbeat. The lungs also work a lot and most of our organs are close to the lungs. Blisters form in these organs when there is no lubrication and they end up failing because of damage. Our bodies also vibrate when we ride on planes or cars and when we exercise (rigorous activity), thats why people get jetlagged and the reason why people get tired and brain tumours and headaches are because of this vibration friction. Car accidents occur because of this. Canibus contains a liquid metal which does not go through osmosis and this liquid metal is a stimulant because it vibrates when it reacts to sound, this friction causes static electricity, so its meant to be in our bloodstream as part of our blood make-up because it conducts electricity and is a lubricant. It helps every single cell in the body. If the Goverment didnt make weed illegal there would be no such thing as death. #Lubrication over blisters.

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