Weird pressure sensation in my head
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hello ladies here once again now with something new I've been having a weird pressure sensation in my head for 2 days now I also feel my sinuses bothering me I feel pressure in my ears and if I cough I feel it more it's not a headache just a weird sensation can this be another symptom of perimenopause can any of you wonderful ladies relate to this any feedback will be much appreciated thank you and blessings to all!!!
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bev66 marisol06794
I have had this for the past week. headaches sinus trouble and neck pain. strange that you write a post because I was about to write one too.
marisol06794 bev66
hi bev66 sorry to here you have this going on to but is good to here from you I have no idea why this is happening I do get sinus and migraine headaches but this is the first time I've ever felt a pressure in my head and my ears it's just a weird sensation it's more like a numb tingling feeling if that makes any sense I have no other way to explain it we get done with one thing and the next day we have another when are we going to get a break from all this peri hell I really hope you feel better soon God bless!!
karen65574 bev66
Hi , i have also awful pressure and headaches , sinus problems and bad neck pain , just so awful what we have to keep putting up with feel so low !!!
susane84679 marisol06794
it is most likely do to sinuses. I have it at the moment and although it is sinus related peri can make it worse, or so I was told by an ENT Dr. hope you find relief soon!
tmpearce marisol06794
I get this too! Head pressure, sinus pressure and sore eyes. Sometimes the pressure can be felt in my ears and the back of my neck aches with it. I will have it for a few days and then it will go away for several weeks and then return again. It is constant and it makes me feel like my blood pressure is elevated but most of the time when I check my blood pressure its okay. I am pretty sure it has to do with hormonal fluctuations and many ladies on this forum have said they suffer from the same thing. Of course it doesn't help that I live in Georgia and this heat and humidity just makes every symptom worse!
pamela2016 marisol06794
yes i get this off and on with many other weird head sensation plus the constant head woozies never ending misery.
Rainbow976 marisol06794
I am here with all of you. It varies for me but lately it is right sided head/scalp numbness and tingly feeling that doesn't go away. I have also had a lot of hair shedding lately, thinking maybe both are a drop in estrogen as I am due to start my period.
This is all so absurd, constant issues and I sure hope it gets better after menopause because I can't imagine this can continue like this forever. It must get better for us all!
sunaina1983 marisol06794
Yes...... this is most scary symptom for me suffering from 1 year because of head pressure and off balance issues ...Left job become home bound
my head feel heavy ..i feel as i am compl drunk without drinking...very strange feeling always in my head .
Ear pressure, heavyness in head and migranes ðŸ˜
ur not alone mam
Paracetamol tablets and Pipermint oil give little relief but only for few hrs .
didnot find any compl solution for this.
Very strange sensations in head .
Bindisid sunaina1983
how about your blood pressure during this?
sunaina1983 Bindisid
Mam my blood pressure is high when i start peri.....Dr gave me Bp medicines
laurie19311 marisol06794
Yes! I have been having this for about 9 months. Pressure, sinuses, tight band feeling, vertigo, off balance, ear fullness, ear pain etc. Sometimes even when I cry or laugh to hard it makes me have vertigo. I am falling apart. Lol!
pamela2016 laurie19311
me too like i cant show emotions dizziness gets worse along with other symptoms its weird
laurie19311 pamela2016
So I'm not crazy, lol! It is the strangest thing, especially when I need to cry!
pamela2016 laurie19311
no your not crazy but it sure is making me crazy these symptoms is really tormenting makes no sense. praying for us all
ampat1 marisol06794
I have those symptoms as well. I don't know if it's allergies, bad cold, sinusitis or anxiety causing all the head and ear pressure. It started when peri anxiety hit me out of the blue so I guess it is hormones related. I take allergy meds in the hope of getting better but not much difference in head/ear pressure. I feel worst headache, like a tight band which makes things worse. I feel my immune system is so weak since peri, I get cold /cough often and they linger around longer than before. Today my right of head feels so tight, aches, and pressure is worse in right ear. Glad we have this forum to support each other, it definitely helps knowing I'm not alone in this.