Weird sensation in my leg! ANXIETY IS MAKING ME FREAK OUT
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I'm new here and recently I have been taken off of Mirtazipine and since I've been put to the lower dose Ive had this weird feeling in my leg, like fuzziness. sometimes there's pain I feel like it's because I've been so tense, but I've figured it get worse when I'm anxious its making me think I've got like als or something and I'm freaking out.
can someone help??
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jan34534 lacey03850
sorry you are so scared. It’s most likely due to your anxiety. I once visited a top neurologist because I had a weird feeling in my leg. He told me that ALS is not a sensory disease. Which means that you don’t get weird feelings, or twitches or sensations or pain. That made me feel a lot better. in the fact that yours gets worse when you think about it points to anxiety. maybe it’s the medication causing that feeling. It really does not sound like anything serious at all! try to relax your mind as much as you can and stay busy and it will most likely go away on its’re going to be fine!