Weird sensations down below
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Hello Ladies,
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas.
Do any of you ever experience this sensation in your vaginal area near the lips and in the opening like a trembling feeling? Sorry if this is too graphic. It feels like a twitching nerve. It's so annoying.
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Sassyr12a sharcerv52408
Hello 😃
I used to get it, it was like a vibration on and off and it was annoying! I guess it's the same as any body part, prone to twitchy nerves etc. I just ignored it and gradually it stopped. In the meantime a warm bath helps xx
sharcerv52408 Sassyr12a
Thanks for answering, Sassy. That's exactly what it feels like, the odd buzzing and tremoring that you feel in other parts of the body. It's just feels odd having it down there. Of course all kinds of thoughts of what could be wrong began surfacing. It's good to know that I'm not alone.
Sassyr12a sharcerv52408
Hello. I don't think you need to worry at all. I suppose with the hormones etc there must be increase/decrease in sensation down there that's all.... Nothing ominous xx
Carolyn09280 sharcerv52408
Hey there,
Yes, I have been getting these weird annoying feelings down there. I think it is peri because this only happened in the last few years and it is on and off. I also get a feeling of irritation down there from time to time. So bizarre. My sister had something similar and we think she is also peri.
sharcerv52408 Carolyn09280
Thanks for the reassurance, Cheryl.
amanda59745 sharcerv52408
hi sharcerv, yes i have experienced this on 2 occasions only on the left labia like a pulsing/vibration. Both times it never lasted long 10 mins or so but, i have not had it happen for a several months. I do not know why it happened but was very anxious at the time so thought it was due to anxiety xx
sharcerv52408 amanda59745
Yeah I think it does have to do with anxiety. It can cause so many chain reactions in the body.
katyD211 sharcerv52408
yes!!! Just as you describe...not often and not worrisome compared to all my other symptoms