Weird symptom or something sinister
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I have a question for anyone who might have experienced this feeling.It happens sometimes when I am resting and other times when I am doing something.When I go to bed my legs feel like blood is flowing through them and the certain areas will start twitching in my legs.It happens when I wake up and continues through half the day.It feels like anxiety and blood rushes through my body.I dont know if it is anxiety or something is wrong with my blood sugar.I have been tested fasting and in urine and it was normal.I dont have any other symptoms of diabetes,but I just dont understand why my anxiety is worse when I wake and during the day.It is really getting old.I am trying to control my anxiety but it is a huge challenge.Any insight would be appreciated.
God Bless
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tawana68 beth54337
Hi beth, just curious if you have had your chloresterol checked ? the reason i ask is because i have had that kinda feeling in my legs , but its because i had some blocked arteries in my legs for a long time and didnt know it till they ran some tests . its all fixed now thankfully 😃 what i do daily to help my anxiety is walking on trails 3-7 klms a day . i find it a tremedous help and very soothing.
also , my doctor told me during perimenopause we woman can experience all kinds of weird symptoms so it could just be related to that stuff.
i have had about 40 of the 44 symtoms of this crazy phaze of peri hell so to speak but , i do know its just a temperary phaze , thank god cause for me now the worst part is insomia and anxiety .
i am almost 50 and went through peri for about 6 years . now im skipping periods and hot flashes are happening less often so i think im finally geting closer to menopause.
i wouldnt worry to much though if i were you ya know? its probably all due to the changing hormones . in the meantime , try to find something that helps relax you to help with the anxiety thats what i did . these forums are so great on here as well because we learn so much from other ladies and their experiences too so we know were not alone .
talking to other woman that have gone through alot of the same stuff on here also helps too .
hugs and best wishes from canada here.
sabrina1971 tawana68
Hi! How did they fix the blocked arteries in your legs?
tracy43395 beth54337
I get a feeling like someone has tipped ice cold water into my veins. Doctor cant find anything to cause it. Is it that sort of sensation?
sabrina1971 tracy43395
I've had that before. Adding more b12 helped me. The methylcobalamin version is easier to absorb.
CarolKelso beth54337
hi beth......
switchy legs are common during menopause and ive too had weird feelings in my legs....
are you in peri and how old are you dont mind me asking....xx
may69987 beth54337
hi beth do your legs turn red too because i get that feeling like my blood is rushing all over my legs specially in the lower part and i get it mostly if the tempreture is too cold or too hot or if I am stressed so im not sure if it is part of hot flashes ,.