Weird symptom where I feel like I am coming down with the flu, but don’t
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Hi - does anyone else have this weird symptom? This started last summer on and off and I still get it. I am 48 and in the middle of peri and have most of the symptoms going, but this one is odd. Out of nowhere I can feel like I am coming down with the flu with the aching and shivery bones and then it goes again often within the same day or the next day. For a while I thought it was related to ovulation time and premenstrual time, but then sometimes it happens randomly as well.
I saw my GP about it and was checked out for everything including infection, inflammation, thyroid, autoimmune illnesses, HIV and Hepatits (just because she was at a loss) and everything is normal. I was also checked for UTI’s, but it isn’t that either.
Does anyone else at all get this?
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Guest Sally4x
Hi Sally,
Yes, I get this, and have been getting it for a year and a half. It's probably one of the worse symptoms that I have.I was tested for everything under the sun and I did find out that peri caused low immune system which in turn reactivated EBV, so it could be the cause of the flu feelings. And it does seem to cycle around for sure. Now, when I feel the flu feelings I will also get aching shoulder (had frozen shoulder), pain in my upper left back by shoulder blade, burning feet, sometimes headache. So I guess it could just be peri causing these symptoms and not EBV, hard to know.
It is awful though, when I was at my worse I just thought I was going to die. The shaking was so bad and I was so sick, my husband would have to help me in the bathtub. I was like a very old 90 year old lady. My symptoms were endless. I was constantly taking my temp which was always below normal. This all came out of the blue and it coincided with my period starting to be odd. I've even wondered if it could be anxiety causing this, because of course, when you look up anxiety symptoms, feeling like you have the flu is on there as well as everything else. Who knows?
I'm sorry you feel this way too.
Sally4x Guest
That’s interesting, because I had EBV virus in my early twenties. I too feel like I am dying at times, so it does trigger anxiety as well, so I guess that could be involved. I didn’t know anxiety can cause flu-like symptoms. I just want it to go away. Thanks xx
Guest Sally4x
Last year I honestly thought I was going to check out, but slowly things are getting better. My periods are all over the place and my symptoms seems to wax and wane along with the hormonal ups and downs.
If you read about some celebrities who had EBV or chronic fatigue (same cause) they will describe our symptoms. Men too.
katherine_c Sally4x
Sally4x katherine_c
Yes that sounds like me. It comes and goes and sometimes even within one day! I feel like I am constantly living in a fog. That, the flu symptoms and the exhaustion are the worst of this for me xx
tina00239 Sally4x
Hi Sally, yes I often get flu like symptoms, infact when my full meno started the diagnoses was flu. It went on for 2 months until my regular gp took blood and saw my ovaries had crashed so my hormone levels had dropped through the floor! I suffered such a long list of symptoms and so severely that my dr put me on hrt immediately. It has improved but not as much as I'd hoped so going to ask about other options like patches. I do take high strength meno vitamins and B complex and D and evening primrose oil and Valerian crushed up and in late night warm drink to aid relaxation and sleep but still have quite a long list of debilitating symptoms. Will be having the round of tests soon as I have regularly, as in at risk group for hrt but necessary evil to me. You are not alone by any means in what you suffer with lets hope we can all get through it together and support one another all the way! XXX
Sally4x tina00239
ImagineOneDay Sally4x
Hi, I had this for months about couple of years ago. I am 48 too. My one usually came around during ovulation. I don't have it anymore. It was shocking & very upsetting that I had to go through it every month! So hopefully your one will end soon too. Best wishes.
Sally4x ImagineOneDay
Guest Sally4x