Weird symptoms, Any ideas?

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So for a while I have had a lot of abdominal problems. 1. Different types of pain. One type of pain is like a sharp stabbing pain in the left side. Another type of pain is a churning like feeling inside which causes me to have to run to the loo and also makes a very loud gurgling sound in my stomach that others can hear around me! 2. I have this hard part in my stomach below the belly button and just above the pubic bone. It's been like that for months and I've had a scan and they told me it was nothing but it's still there!? It's like a hard lump when I push on my stomach. Lastly I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but I've also had blood clots in my urine for weeks now. I had this months ago but it went away but now it's back again!? It's just clear urine with blood clots in it? I'm a 17 year old female. Any advice or ideas on what this may be?? Thank you!

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi chloe 2000

    You have to go to your doc about the blood clots in your urine you may have a kidney infection..make an appointment as soon as you wishes...

  • Posted

    Hello Chloe

    just a few questions firstly..

    I. Are you Menstruating? This could be cause of blood in urine..

    2: have you had your Urine Tested for a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)? Can cause cistitis.. inflammation of the ureathra, will cause pain.

    3: Are you constipated?

    Take softener syrup like Lactulose Syrup.. this help reduce impacted Faeces in the Large Colon, which can cause a lot of pain.

    Eliminate these above and the condition may improve.

    • Posted

      Infection of the Kidneys causes pain in the Loin area at the back below your hips.. stones the pain is very sharp and relentless, I've had that.. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying, to answer your questions:

      1. No I am not menstruating, I am on hormonal contraception and the doctor said I won't menstruate again until it's out.

      2. I have been tested a few weeks ago and it came back with nothing.

      3. I have been constipated and often do get conspitated so I will try that thank you!

    • Posted

      It is also possible  the hormonal contraception is causing the bleeding too. Contraception medications aren't natural; you would be better coming off it and letting your hormones behave normally.  You might find that your symptoms disppear.

  • Posted

    I would ask your doctor to test a urine sample.  Is it possible the hard lump you are feeling is bone?
    • Posted

      I went to the doctors a few months ago for it and she said it felt like a muscle but also said that I shouldn't be feeling a muscle there! So I don't think it's a bone but thank you!

    • Posted

      Perhaps ask your doctor again about this muscle like lump at your next appointment.
  • Posted

    Hi chloe 2000

    I hope you have made an appt with your doc. Any signs of blood in urine should be investigated. Your doc will probably refr you to a Urologist where you will have cysoscopy and a ct scan and have your kidneys tested....all wishes....

    • Posted

      I will make an appointment tomorrow, thank you very much for the reply!
    • Posted

      Hi chloe 2000

      Happy to be of some help Chloe...keep us wishes for a speedy diagnosis...

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