Weird tongue throat dragging
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Hi ladies
Its me again!!!
I seriously do not know what to do with myself right now.
Ive developed this awful throat tongue feeling.
Hard to describe.
Almost like my tongue and throat are being stretched.
I feel like my tongue is swollen it isnt.
Im feeling strangled at night waking up in a panic.
My whole mouth tongue throat feel foreign. Im constantly aware of swallowing. Almost like too much saliva but got tingling sensation with it.
Im post meno now.
Symptoms still plaguing me never letting up.
Im exhausted with no sleep and anxiety.
Now i feel im aware of my tongue and throat ALL the time now.
Im sooo scared this is not meno related. Latest bloods fine and numerous tests over the 10 years of my peri all ok.
Last bloods showed my ovaries have completely shut down. No period for 2 years.
I feel like im being tortured.
Like im being strangled.
I dont know if any of you ladies have had this?
Im just so fed up with this struggle i really am.
Love to hear from any of you. You have all been so helpful before x
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2chr2015 michelle97919
hi michelle. i have had issues with my throat and tongue too since all of this started. i went to the ent and he told me there wasnt anything bad and he wanted me to not think about it for a couple of months. he was very sweet about it. and thats exactly what i did and it got better. all i know is for me, the anxiety i have over it makes any symptom 10 times worse!
michelle97919 2chr2015
Thank you so much. Appreciate your reply. Puts my mind at rest x
Guest michelle97919
Hi Michelle, I think it is a nervous thing...Every so often I catch myself doing this thing where I push my tongue on my top teeth and palpate the back of my throat like a is the stupidest thing. I catch myself doing it while driving sometimes or if my throat is bugging me. I would never tell a dr about " the frog"...they would probably put me in a straight jacket
michelle97919 Guest
Lou 42662
Frog thing had me laughing.
Thank you i dont want to go to my doctor. He already thinks ive lost the plot x
Guest michelle97919
I get it and I'm post meno it feels like a tighting feeling in the middle of the throat by the way GERD can cause that too, BUT I was also told that it would take another 3 to 5 years for your body to get use to extremely low hormones even after you are consider post meno symptoms do not stop when you are officially post meno still a few more years to go at least 3 and can be up to 5...Sometimes I feel like the only thing inm my mouth is tongue and the off and on soreness and burning. What you have to do is ride it out dont let it through you in panic mode quickly throw your mind on something else like listen too scripture at night or in my case I have got addicted to little house I watch it every single night and when tired I put volume on 3 and turn opposite of tv and listen to them talk until I drift off to sleep. I also have the bible on my smart tv. I had to fight fear like YOU would not believe for years! Remember the fear will take us out quicker important to fight it and relax until the symptoms pass and do whatever it is that would help you with that no matter what it is. We have to learn to fight these symptoms in a way that is safe and safer for us. Doctors will give you a pill for EVERYTHING and the side affects will make you suffer even more and the "pill of whatever kind it is IS NOT a cure just a mask not to mention can actually give you something that will kill you" So why not mask it in our own safe way trust me we suffer enough and when we obsess and entertain scary thoughts and NOT let the mind set go then we suffer triple! It hard to do at first fighting fear BUT IT CAN BE DONE! I'm living proof!
michelle97919 Guest
Hi crosado
Thank you so much. I do pray and read my bible.
My husband is a pastor but tbh its still been hell on earth.
Thank you i know i probably have a few more years of this to go x
JReady64 michelle97919
I have a similar throat thing.. but not like it's being stretched.. more like my airway is just smaller than it should be.. It's not all the time. I also had the worry at night like I was going to stop breathing.. like my throat was closing up. I'd have to tilt my head up high to help with the feeling.. I decided to start carrying one of my daughter's epipens.. just in case. Have not had to use it... and I don't think my throat is actually closing up.. I think it's just a feeling. I've found that (although you should not do this regularly.. from the risk of dependence).. if I have this feeling when going to bed.. I give my nose a tiny little squirt of Afrin on both sides.. It really does seem to help..
I am also post menopausal.. and I had NO symptoms before March of this year.. had a hysterectomy over 10 years ago.. no periods for 10 years. I only have the very odd feelings like internal buzzing/vibration, dizziness, heart palpitations, shakiness, the throat thing.. no night sweats.. none of the regular menopause symptoms. I'm like you.. so if I'm POST menopausal.. why are these things not going away?
michelle97919 JReady64
Hi jready
The trembling was awful for me. Happened loads in peri and still happening now.
What a load of mess this is.
Ive had every symptom and some!!!!!! X
audra86673 JReady64
When I first got the globus sensation and I felt like I would suffocate at night, I would sleep propped on a wedge pillow and tilt my head way up and to the right. ( I had the felling of something stuck on my left side of my windpipe). Such an awful feeling and caused me so much anxiety! I had my husband watch videos on how to do a Tracheotomy in case my throat swelled shut! Turns out mine is actually caused by chronic tonsilitis, so I'll hopefully be able to concur the viral infection and move on without surgery.
I'm newly menopausal and feeling better but I'm not celebrating yet! I know symptoms can grab hold without warning even after peri. I hope you feel better soon.
audra86673 michelle97919
Ive had globus sensation now for 15 months. My mouth/throat have been the things that have bothered me the most... aside from anxiety- which has been caused by my feeling of something stuck in my throat and the fear of it closing up or not being able to breathe! The sensation varies in severity. Ive been to an ENT 6 times in the past 15 mos because of it. The first couple times trying to figure out what it was and the last couple to go in just to make sure nothing sinister has formed. They kept telling me nothing was wrong and my mouth/throat all looked perfect but i knew there was something in my throat causing the feeling. Last time I went was in August. Turns out i have chronic tonsilitis! My throat isnt sore but I have a viral infection that i just cant clear! Im trying to build up my immunity and hopefully get rid of the infection. If I cant, I will probably opt to get my tonsils removed. During the time with no diagnosis was tough. The first couple weeks I was so stressed out because I thought I was going to suffocate. My anxiety was through the roof because of that and I think that made my throat feel even worse - more puffy! After a couple weeks, I realized I probably wasnt going to suffocate or choke and then I calmed down some and that helped. Try to not focus on your throat and tongue and bet it will help. I'd go for walks and watch easy, light hearted tv. I made a playlist with calming music and go zone out and focus on the music. I also found it relieved some of the pressure on the back of my throat if I moved my tongue more forward in my mouth... pressing more on my front teeth. I know this is a hard symptom to get past. I hope this gets better for you. Big hugs!
CarolKelso michelle97919
hi michelle....ive had feelings of choking at night too with a feeling of a larger tounge. ive woken up at night in a panic as lime a fly has flown down my throat...yes an extra saliva.. I get this less now but it was quite alot a few months back...
this change throws up so text book could prepare you.....
go easy will pass.