Well, here goes nothing.... (Assessment tomorrow)

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Well, It is that day tomorrow, my dreaded assessment.

​I am so scared but it will be an hour of my life that someone will be asking and talking about my disability.

Thank you to all you for your amazing words and advice and answers to my questions.

​I have struggled since childhood (I have Achondroplasia) so i hope tomorrow i get somewhere.


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Natalie please stop worrying, ask yourself why are you scared, its not life threatening and it definitely want hurt, OK so you have to talk about the physical and mental impact this has on your life, but its the same impact its had today and the same impact it will have on Friday after your assessment.

    Nothing will change only how you feel when its over, the answer can only be yes or no, if its yes you will have the outcome you hoped for, if its no then you will as for an MR and again non of this will hurt you, be strong, you have managed to cope with a disability all these years so your not a weak person are you.

    Go blow them away and I'm sure having your Mum with you will give you strength.

    • Posted

      Thank you AlexandriaGizmo, I just think its natural to be worried/nervous/scared.... Whatever will be, will be.
    • Posted

      Exactly, have you got to go far, does your mum drive, I think that you have to pretend for the assessment that your mum is not your mum but your carer. This way you want be embarrassed to admit that you struggle to do certain things that you wouldn't want your mum to know about, I'm sure though that she realises the things you struggle with due to the fact she has been your carer for many Year's.

      If you think it tomoz and its relevant blurt it out

    • Posted

      Well i was having to go via train which would have been a nightmare and would have taken 2 hours but yes my mother drives and it will take 45 minutes drive to Langley which is between Slough and Iver. I cannot fully remember what i had put on my forms but i will go in and speak the truth and be honest about everything no matter how much it makes me feel... In life i do my measurements in Feet as to me thats easier so 20 metres or 50 metres i dont really know how far that is... all i know is my walking distance and standing ability is very poor and constantly embarrassing and im holding onto someone and the pain is constant...
    • Posted

      Hi, good luck for tomorrow.  One thing to remember is if they ask how many minutes you can walk they might be trying to trip you up.  They have standard distances that people should be able to walk in a minute.  This will be less because of your condition but ignoring that for now, say they asked me how many minutes I can walk for and I said 5 minutes, which doesn't sound very long, that would actually equate to 450-500 metres based on their assumption of 90-100 metres per minute.  If you have chance before your assessment do a quick test.  Walk a short distance and count how many steps you are able to walk before the pain stops you.  Don't answer the minutes question (unless you are able to walk for minutes), instead change it to steps, explain that you've tested it yourself and you can manage a certain number of steps but also emphasise that this distance is walked far slower than a person without your condition would be able to manage and that you are in pain.  If they push you for a time just tell them it's seconds rather than minutes, if that's the case.  We don't tend to time ourselves when we're walking so it's very easy to be caught out by this type of questioning and only think about it afterwards.

      Always remember the reliability criteria for any question they ask.  If they ask if you can do something add the criteria on the end yourself - can you do it safely, to an acceptable standard, repeatedly and in a reasonable time.  This is how the PIP activities are supposed to be tested.  If you can't do something 'reliably' start your answer with "No" and then go on to explain if you can do it once but not repeat it, or if it's not safe and the harm you've come to.  It's too easy for them to forget the reliability criteria if you say "Yes" before you explain further.  

    • Posted

      I was surprised at the following figures but if the distance from the waiting room to the assessment room is 20 metres, a person who has difficulties walking would not be able to walk that distance in under 40 seconds.

      Likewise if the distance is only 10 metres (about 30'wink it should not take you less than 20  seconds

      ?Try it out, 10 metres is approx the length of one bus. One in front of  each other).

  • Posted

    Natalie. Have a look at my original post again, and have a read through your application form to make sure you're clear on the answers you've given, so that you don't condradict anything at the assessment.  If someone is going with you (and I strongly advise you don't go alone) give them the application form to take along and there is absolutely nothing stopping them reading through it and prompting you if you miss something.  Explain everything fully, and try to remember to answer the questions they don't ask - in other words not just yes and no answers and remember, if you can't do something, say what it is and why you can't do it. If you use an aid, say what it is and why you need to use it, and if you still need help from someone else despite using an aid (to stay safe etc) say so and say why.  

    Remember the reliability criteria, safely, to an acceptable standard, without undue pain or breathlessness, repeatedly (as often as necessary throughout the day - not just once) and in a timely manner - in order to be considered able to do something, you must be able to do it to these criteria and this applies to ALL the activities in the assessment. 

    Above all, if something causes you pain or distress, show it to the assessor and don't try to bravely do something just to please the assessor - if you don't present a true picture you won't get a fair assessment so be truthful and if you find something embarrassing to explain please, please don't omit it.  Grit your teeth and tell the assessor everything - I promise you that you won't be telling them anything they haven't heard before.

    i wish you the best of luck Natalie, and do let us know how you get on.

  • Posted

    Good luck. I won't say don't worry as i know you probably will. But you can only do what you can do x

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